The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

taxes, denmark and all that lies between

So the denmark trip has come and gone. One last mini-vacation next week (mon to wed) when i head up north to Carlisle, the Lake District and Haydrian's wall. Then its life back to normal (perhaps thats a good thing, especially on my wallet!) and back to school, etc.

Denmark trip wasn't exactly very 'touristy'. In total I'd say I spent about three hours seeing the sites...six really but what we did on saturday was completely repeated on tuesday with the parents. But I saw the little mermaid, I went to castelle (this old fortress carved out with a moat like a star, the new opera house, the royal family quarters, etc. So it was good. The cousins were super nice and have this phat flat on the pier, with views of Sweden in the distance. When I say phat, I was told that they pay about £1700 a month. Thats what I mean by phat.

Met a bunch of long lost relatives on Sunday. They really weren't lost but I hadn't been looking for them and we use different maps in life. On Monday went to an amusement park that 'real Danes' go to, not that touristy Tivoli. Whatever, it was fun.

Now I'm back in Liverpool. M just left -- he came back to the pool for the last few days...super sweet story -- he went to the airport to meet me...except that he missed me and ended up having to catch a different train back to Liverpool...laugh as you must.

Now to do taxes, book a car for the upcoming days and return to that damn change management essay -- complete rough draft must be finished by sunday, along with other school work. Should be doable but you never know.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Whip it On

Well, last night was a blast!!!! Went to the Raveonettes (I think this was my fourth time at one of their shows) and the set was great..they played a bunch of new stuff which sounded really good. They even did a cover of My Boyfriend's Back which had everyone excited. Snagged the set list and headed to the after show party. Unlike the Dizzee show, this after-party had the band show up. I ended up talking to Menosh (sp?) for a good part of the night...he keeps in touch with Miss K, from DC but now in we talked about her, and then he asked about my friend Jason who works for Sony -- I guess they were hanging out together last week at that was fun.

We also discussed how it was crazy that I'd be going to Copenhagen before he did, yet he'd be in DC before I would...crazy.

When the album drops, go buy it because the stuff we heard was amazing...that should be in May (for NA, July for UK).

Then as we were heading out, the lead singer was leaving so I told him good show. He smiled and thanked me and walked off ahead. Ended up running into him on the street as he was looking for a cab...told him where he could catch one and then said, Tell Menosh that we'll tell Miss K hi...then the singer was like, you know Miss K! So do we!...she's infamous I tell you!

Another highlight of last night (as I remember from my whiskey hangover) was having a bit of a moment with Rock Star Charles. He was trying to get past k and I last night holding beers and he did this little jig dance and we imitated it back, laughing. He sooo wants to know us! I love being shallow and insane.

So off to Copenhagen later today...Yay!


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Head is Spinning

From all the work I have to do...

Just met with my thesis supervisor and went over my aims and objectives and tentative methodology plan...ARGH. And I have so much other work. That essay that wanted to go to London remains untouched since last week, and I have mapping and an article due soon so I'm screwed...

Oh and I'm officially screwed money wise. I need a job, asap. I have one tentatively lined up in month for £30 at a football game but I need an actual regular paycheque.

Copenhagen tomorrow. yay!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

a mish mash of things to say

Just returned from my four days in London and it was a really good trip. Finally made it on the London Eye, and it was awesome. That day it was like 15 degrees C. so we could see for miles. Awesomeness.

On Saturday K and I went out to Canary Warf, the new development are in London, which is like little North America. Due to another beautiful day, the ability to walk along the Thames and sip Daiqairies on the boardwalk, Saturday was great. It was topped off by FINALLY seeing the Lloyds building, which is an amazing architecturally designed building!

Sunday was a bit dreary but we hopped the train to Hampton Courth where I learned that due to his asthma, King William had Sir Christopher Wren build the first floor of his wing only 8 ft tall so that he wasn't as winded when heading to the public areas on the second. Also toured the gardens which were designed to rival versailles -- in other words, they were beautiful.

Monday I went to the Design Museum with cool exhibitions on Album Design Covers, Le Corbusier's chair designs, 2001: A Space Oddesy set design information and mapping designs...all very cool but not the best. Then it was off to West Minster Abbey and Harrods. Great trip all in all.

Denmark on Friday and until then I must work work work!

The Bravery had the number 5 cd sales this week on their debut album...not so bad (UK results) so congrats to them..


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stars. Smiles.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The demands that are made of you are tedious, menial and, quite frankly, beneath you. (You're not a robot!) However, it's your attitude that can transform a boring task into a Zen exercise.

I have been unable to transform the writing of my Change Management Implementation Essay into a zen exercise, meaning it gets to visit london with me this weekend. I KNEW it wanted to see London and I figure this is the only way it'll finally shut up and be put to rest...sigh.

Brian Wilson's Smile puts a smile on my face.

I came up with a cheesy book idea today after a discussion with M. over texts regarding a subject on Desperate Housewives. I need to formulate the idea a bit more but it could end up being the next Chicken Soup for the Soul if you know what I mean...which means it could be oodles of money...also relates to one of Ms. Spiggy's eight things she wants to do before she dies.

By the way, El Brucio's recent blogging has been of a steller quality...I feel his Outlook pain...but then again, I suspect many bloggers do...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Cold Front

Update on the cold that wouldn't quit -- over the weekend it was suggested that perhaps I am suffering from allergies which gave me hope in the tremendous fight against this cold. With yesterday's arrival of cheap meds from Canada (free thanks to my connections) I was hoping to test this theory. Alas, I began getting a suspiciously sore throat late yesterday and today it is officially sore...meaning that I definately am dealing with a cold in some respects.....this is getting tired, whatever it is.

The next few weeks promise to be expensive and possibly fun. Have London from Friday to Tuesday, where I hope to be going to Frog on Saturday and Trash on Monday. Am planning on going to see the raveonettes next Thursday, fittingly the day before I hop over to Copenhagen till the Tuesday. Then the following Monday I'm heading up North to Haydrian's (sp?) wall and the Lake District for a day or two, which promises to involve some sort of driving...excitement.

Beyond that...not much.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Gross out...

In an effort to blog when I don't have much to say, I will relate a somewhat gross, yet comically unbelievable story...well, it's not that unbelievable.

About a month ago I realized my left foot, middle toenail was a bit was flush on the bed for about three mm and then it was 'raised' from the bed. (In November, at the Liverpool Bravery gig, I had been wearing my open toe stilleto's and someone had hard-core stomped on my toes and I think this may have hurt my toenail.)

Last week, I realized that my toenail was seperating off at the point where it went from flush to raised. After some prodding and poking I realized, "OMG! I have another toenaile growing underneath!" So the top nail fell off and was replaced with a very thin, delicate toenail...yes, its disgusting in a cool, intriguing way for me.

On Monday, LJE said that something really gross had happened to him but he didn't want to tell us. So I said that nothing could be grosser than what had happened to me, so I told him my story. He stared at me, open mouthed and said, 'my toenail fell off too!'...but he didn't have the superpower of growing two toenails at once like me.

So the question is: which is toenail or having two toenails at once?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Name Dropping

Once a band-aid (groupie?), forever accused of being a band-aid....

Text receive March 8, 2005, 6:28 PM from M:
don't suppose you've fucked either of the gallagher brothers have you? Their next single is called Lyla.

I suppose this means that I'll now have people singing the new Oasis song vs. layla by E. Clapton when they learn my name. And my name will now become more popular -- Kate Moss' daughter is also named Lyla....

So much of me -- you luvs it...


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

quick summary

Things that have happened since my last blog:

Friday: dinner party with the Mexican's from my course. DELICIOUS!!! The food was superb, authentic Mexican food and fun times. Followed this by going to see The Subways, which was decent enough, although for seven quid the band played a VERY short set (half an hour). Followed this by drinks in town before heading over to a house party in which alternate universes were entered: people passing out that shouldn't; drunken hook-ups and me being mistaken for being Irish. Then Scottish, and then I finally had to say I was Canadian.

Saturday: dancing at liquidation, as per usual.

Sunday: Restless sleep due to need to secure money as I'm bleeding it at the moment. Final tuition payment is sketchy at best.

Monday: Lunch at a French Bistro that was awesome -- three course meal; homemade cream of mushroom soup, followed by stuffed mushroom (cream cheese and veggies) on polenta bread with steam veggies and then an apple crisp. Then off to Manchester to see Mando Diao, who put on a great show in a crap venue so the show didn't seem so great. They are ADORABLE, I want their babies...then drinks and great chats with LJE and K.
(see note to Sunday -- obviously I'm not working on this 'bleeding' enough)

Random thoughs...I have had a cold now since February 7. I think I'll try make a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Probably a good idea. M has said he doesn't really know me without this hacking, phlemgh inducing cold. That's scary.


Thursday, March 03, 2005


I woke to the news this morning that my superstar rap boyfriend, Dizzee Rascal has been arrested by the bobbies in London. This is devastating news for me, and possibly Dizzee. Apparantly he was carrying pepper spray, which, in this country, is supposedly a bad thing. But C'mon, he's a rappa! he's from tha street...he's got to carry something, and it would be desperately bad if he was carrying a piece.

I suppose what one learns from all of this is that the cops in London are extremely racist and hell bent on destroying Mr. Rascal's career. Also, reviewers such as El brucio who don't recognize the impact that Mr. Rascal has on the British Urban music scene (which seemingly only consists of Ms. Dynamite, THe Streets, Jameilia, Lemar, and GLC).

Therefore I urge my reading public, all one of you, to petition the London police for the quick and immediate release of Mr. Rascal, so that he can continue making music for his adoring fans.

Peace Out.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

suckered in

I got suckered into reading The Golden Lady's blog (suckered sounds bad but in actual fact I wanted to know how her interviews went and I was supposed to be working), and then I got suckered into yet another quiz. I concur with the results and look forward to what will probably be yet another dastardly remake.

As for linking -- on my Mac the thingie that tells me how to link doesn't show up like it does on the's the link to the Golden lady's blog...

You are from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
You're weird, creative, charming, and love to
mess with people's minds.

Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Going a little political on your ass

Cheers (look at me being a Brit) to the USA Courts for deciding that those under the age of 18 should not be punished by execution for crimes they have committed. If there is any step that the 'Bush' Administration has taken (although this has little to do with his admin) that I have to appauld, this would be it. And I say this after living in DC when Lee B. Malvo was out there on his sniper spree: I truely believe that he was under the influence of his counterpart and that under the age of 18 you are more impressionable and give less thought to the consequences of your actions than you as an adult.


In other news: I watched almost a complete footie game yesterday (Arsenal vs. Sheffield United). Almost as in I watched the last half and then the extra time and the penalty kicks (Arsenal won on the kicks, with my new boyfriend fredric ljungberg scoring one of the goals).

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My horoscope from the onion:

Libra: (Sept. 23—Oct. 23)
You have no idea why thousands of shrieking, lovesick teens chase you everywhere you go, but you're pretty sure it's not because of your shitty albums.

I wish I had shitty albums...instead I have shitty papers and assignments.

Nothing new to say except SUPERGRASS are coming to tha pool in May -- very excited...that i need to learn how to archive and create links -- i used to know but now i don't.