The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

a mish mash of things to say

Just returned from my four days in London and it was a really good trip. Finally made it on the London Eye, and it was awesome. That day it was like 15 degrees C. so we could see for miles. Awesomeness.

On Saturday K and I went out to Canary Warf, the new development are in London, which is like little North America. Due to another beautiful day, the ability to walk along the Thames and sip Daiqairies on the boardwalk, Saturday was great. It was topped off by FINALLY seeing the Lloyds building, which is an amazing architecturally designed building!

Sunday was a bit dreary but we hopped the train to Hampton Courth where I learned that due to his asthma, King William had Sir Christopher Wren build the first floor of his wing only 8 ft tall so that he wasn't as winded when heading to the public areas on the second. Also toured the gardens which were designed to rival versailles -- in other words, they were beautiful.

Monday I went to the Design Museum with cool exhibitions on Album Design Covers, Le Corbusier's chair designs, 2001: A Space Oddesy set design information and mapping designs...all very cool but not the best. Then it was off to West Minster Abbey and Harrods. Great trip all in all.

Denmark on Friday and until then I must work work work!

The Bravery had the number 5 cd sales this week on their debut album...not so bad (UK results) so congrats to them..



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