The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stars. Smiles.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The demands that are made of you are tedious, menial and, quite frankly, beneath you. (You're not a robot!) However, it's your attitude that can transform a boring task into a Zen exercise.

I have been unable to transform the writing of my Change Management Implementation Essay into a zen exercise, meaning it gets to visit london with me this weekend. I KNEW it wanted to see London and I figure this is the only way it'll finally shut up and be put to rest...sigh.

Brian Wilson's Smile puts a smile on my face.

I came up with a cheesy book idea today after a discussion with M. over texts regarding a subject on Desperate Housewives. I need to formulate the idea a bit more but it could end up being the next Chicken Soup for the Soul if you know what I mean...which means it could be oodles of money...also relates to one of Ms. Spiggy's eight things she wants to do before she dies.

By the way, El Brucio's recent blogging has been of a steller quality...I feel his Outlook pain...but then again, I suspect many bloggers do...


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