The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, September 05, 2008

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers....or something like that

Ever have one of those weeks where you realize karma/the world/your god may be trying to humble you?

This has been one of those weeks for me.....

On Wednesday I went to my new uber expensive, far too posh and completely unaffordable gym. It was beautiful. Each machine has a television built into it (look at my carbon footprint skyrocket), the changing rooms are really pretty, there's free internet access and of course, there's the 'shaker plates' (power plates to be exact). However the gym is not conveniently located and really it's going to be a b*tch trying to use it on public transport alone. As I found out....I hoped a bus and was told that it 'kinda went past Bramley', so I decided to take a chance. Bad move. Where the bus should have entered Bramley it veered right into another neighbourhood known as Farsley (or something like that). Except the road to Farsley is between a river bank and another hill, so it takes a bit to actually get anywhere. So I panicked and pressed the button and was promptly dropped off at a bus stop in the middle of nowhere. So I got off and walked back to the main area (about a 5 minute walk) and started climbing the hill to the next bus stop. I texted to find out when the next bus would appear and it was 25 minutes, and not even a bus that was going 'my way'. Then it started to rain. I trudged onwards and upwards, feeling mightly sorry for myself. And then, I heard a bus behind me. I looked around and there was the '49' - the bus I needed, and here's me, nowhere near a bus stop. As the 49 rolled past, I threw my hands up in dispair, pissed off at this turn of events.

And then the brake lights shone through the dark night and the bus stopped in the middle of the road. And I ran up, not quite sure to believe what had happened. And the nicest bus driver in the world let me on...and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for him.

Today I walked to the train station in the cold rain. The train was crammed, as per usual, so I had to stand, as per usual. Unfortunatley for me, I felt a lovely hypoglycemia attack coming on. I tried to 'breathe it out' - that didn't work. I squatted, pretending to look for something in my bag, and that helped. But as soon as I stood up to get off the train, the dizziness washed over me. I walked to the chairs on the platform, desperate to sit down. I did. I waited five minutes, breathing and plotting my next move. I was on a platform with no candy machine or muffin shop, which meant no access to sugar. Sweet sweet sugar, the food of life, or at least one in which you don't go dizzy and pass out.

I thought I could make it to the lift (elevator) and then to the starbucks for some sort of croissant or danish (tasty). I started walking and realised, nope, can't make it to the lift. I turned back and realised I couldn't make it back to the chairs. So I squatted against a wall (I hate the term squat because it just reminds me of peeing in a bush). And then, two sweet angles - a couple about 55ish, came up and asked if I was ok. I couldn't really see them (due to blurred vision as I was recovering from almost passing out), and I said I was 'fine, just having a bit of a low blood sugar attack'. They asked if I had anything to drink on me, and I said no, and then he said, 'here, have my orange juice'. And he handed me this litre of orange juice, which was clearly packed for the picnic they were going to have on their day out. I took it and had to chug from the bottle, and they made sure I was doing ok before they panicked about catching their next train. I desperately tried to give them money for the orange juice (since they didn't exactly want it back), but they refused and went off.

So yeah, somehow or another, I'm being humbled. And I got some tasty orange juice for free out of it all....


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