The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

quick summary

Things that have happened since my last blog:

Friday: dinner party with the Mexican's from my course. DELICIOUS!!! The food was superb, authentic Mexican food and fun times. Followed this by going to see The Subways, which was decent enough, although for seven quid the band played a VERY short set (half an hour). Followed this by drinks in town before heading over to a house party in which alternate universes were entered: people passing out that shouldn't; drunken hook-ups and me being mistaken for being Irish. Then Scottish, and then I finally had to say I was Canadian.

Saturday: dancing at liquidation, as per usual.

Sunday: Restless sleep due to need to secure money as I'm bleeding it at the moment. Final tuition payment is sketchy at best.

Monday: Lunch at a French Bistro that was awesome -- three course meal; homemade cream of mushroom soup, followed by stuffed mushroom (cream cheese and veggies) on polenta bread with steam veggies and then an apple crisp. Then off to Manchester to see Mando Diao, who put on a great show in a crap venue so the show didn't seem so great. They are ADORABLE, I want their babies...then drinks and great chats with LJE and K.
(see note to Sunday -- obviously I'm not working on this 'bleeding' enough)

Random thoughs...I have had a cold now since February 7. I think I'll try make a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Probably a good idea. M has said he doesn't really know me without this hacking, phlemgh inducing cold. That's scary.



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