The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Blunt Signal

Today M & I headed up to see my friend and her new baby. I sat down on the sofa in her 'lounge' and all of a sudden there Tracy was, passing me her less than one month old son. I extended my arms, somewhat hesitantly (it has been years since I held an infant), reaching out to grab this child that was being passed through the air.

Just as I was to pull the child into my arms, he threw up. My legs 'spread' and puke ran down onto the floor. It was a blunt signal from an infant that perhaps motherhood isn't 'my thing'.

Later I held the baby and he attempted to hit me repeatedly in a slow motion punch movement. Then he slobbered on my jacket.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Late Mornings

I'm not quite sure what time zone I'm on...technically its England but I don't think its normal for one to not ever wake up until its past eleven...oh well...time zones are for suckers anyways...

Ahhh liverpool...I'm finding it so strange to be back...I feel almost as if it 'fits' more than it did when I lived here. Lots has changed - the city is filled with cranes and there are new buildings everywhere...Dixons (or Nixons as I like to call it) has changed to Curry's (which I will call Murry's)...they removed the circle platform in the middle of town, and there are two 'Flares' now...I even got to go into my old building, the Cinnamon, and that felt strange.

I've been to London this trip as well. That was nice. It was a beautiful day. London's weather is sooooo much better than Liverpools. I made myself into a very male person at the science museum. I have put the picture up. I expect people to comment.

The clubs in Liverpool felt like home. M and I laughed, argued, danced and got rammed into a shelf. Unfortunately it looks like all my nicknames are out of town/done uni/etc as I recognized about two people:(

This is all...but I present to you: LYLE...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Theme Song


I am vacating the fair lands of Canada in protest over the Stanley Cup being hijacked from our hands. I will return when the pain of the loss is over (dramatic pause, cue orchestral music), and pick up from where I left.

I have chosen the song: Laugh/Love/Fuck by the Coup as my theme song...

I'm here to laugh, love, fuck and drink liquor
and help the damn revolution come quicker

Go England! Go Ecuador! Does Spain play today? Ahh, what the hell, Go Spain!

See you on the flip side....


Monday, June 19, 2006

Struggles, Shout Outs and Countdowns

I am struggling with work today -- woe is me! I can't motivate myself on this project due to my thoughts quickly turning to other, more exciting issues at hand.

Hence the countdown:

Tomorrow at this exact moment (give or take a bit) I will be lifting off the grounds of YXE to head to MAN. So 24 hours to go, though in reality I guess I'm more excited about the 36 hour (landing) deadline instead...In less than 48 hours I could be watching countdown! Woot!

Finally a shoutout to everyone who got to hang out with the bestest dad ever yesterday. I know I sure did...hopefully others were just as lucky...I can't remember the last time I hung out with tone-tone on dads day...hmmm...

Finally a word of warning: Old Dutch's extra flavour Rave Salt and Vinegar chips are deadly intense...too intense for me but I'll eat through the pain...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Today has been one of those days where you get to see the good in a lot of people and the not so good. I could explain in detail but I think its best left as a story to tell. Suffice it to say I've realized that some people can be completely awesome and not know you very well and some people can be complete jerks. I'm still reeling about everything but I am very happy that I didn't sit and take the crap that was thrown at me. Instead I threw in back, though with gloves, and maybe with a pretty smile.

That is all. My musings on this botched work day will no doubt continue at some point but I'll let it be for now. Scheduled drinks and some delicious food (once again throwing that budget) will help. Oh and the Gap sale that I plan to hit tomo.

Monday, June 12, 2006


My blog blew up...America looks like an acne prone teenager. Props to INDIA! Woot...

I failed

I broke. I went to the mall. I bought pretty pretty shoes (the naturlizer ones that D tried on) and a purse. I am a terrible, but well dressed, person.

Whats up with D's blog?


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Beware my language friends, beware

I have stumbled across a site that offers hours of surfing pleasure...This site, and I warn you, may be too addictive to my studying friends, although their level of intellect may well rise above the content offered.

None the less, I give to the world, the following:

I'm sorry. I truly am.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monster Cookie Advert

Having returned to Canada I have become reaquainted with my love of ice cream and the most awesomeness that is Dairy Queen. This has of course, led to numerous stomach problems as my belly has issues with soft ice cream, but the deliciousness of the blizzard is far to tasty to pass up.

Where is this going...on to the Monster Cookie Blizzard commercial. This commercial is brilliant! I love it so much! Gertrude is da bomb! I've even sent a comment to DQ commending them on airing this great commercial...

If you haven't caught it, or if you live in a country that is shock, without a DQ, you can watch the commercial here....

Go for know you want to

A Response

While brief and somewhat weak, I am happy to report I receive the following response from Robin...perhaps D will also receive a response and share it with my readers (all five of them!)

Dear Lyla,

You're right. Some styles are utterly unattractive on an extremely thin
physique. I will certainly keep that in mind for future stories.

All the best,


Robin Givhan, fashion editor
The Washington Post
251 W. 57th Street, 12th Floor
NY, NY 10019
212-445-4900 (p)
212-445-4853 (fax)
202-258-0622 (mobile)


Friday, June 02, 2006

A Letter to the Columnist

This is so much more than Black and Brown....


Reading your article I was offended by the overused and generic message that you were sending. Why is it that female fashion faux pas' tend to only focus on those with a little extra? Why don't we ever admit that some people are too thin or disproportionately shaped to pull off certain styles?
Never do people suggest a low cut top on a girl with minimal breasts can look rather disgusting...nor do they boo when a skin and bones girl flaunts her ribs in a bikini (and not just Nicole Richie but even Kirsten Dunst recent France swimming episode left something to be desired), or when slit dresses expose legs that may be thin but are scrawny or unshapely (like Kate Moss -- her legs are 'not perfect' - we all know this, but she's not chastised for exposing us to them).
It makes me upset that the media (being you) continually overlook that thin isn't always the best frame for clothing. Do I wear low cut jeans, mini-skirts, shrugs and flip flops? Absolutely. Are some styles more or less flattering on my 5'6, 145 pound frame? Absolutely. Yet the same is true for people of all sizes and shapes, so stop picking on the people with a little more to love just because you can. It's an easy way to write an article without requiring any thought. I hope next time you research the subject a little more before you write down your own discriminatory expertise. I expect better from the Washington Post.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Challenging times ahead

As many of you know, I am employed. Employment has a host of advantages and disadvantages, which while a comparison of the two makes for interesting conversation, shall not be the topic of this blog posting. Instead I want to focus on the advantage of earning a salary.
I have been employed for many years in my life, and each position has brought with it new skills, experiences, communities and…paycheques. Paycheques are what drive an employee to show up in the morning, drink their coffee, respond to emails and limit their internet surfing. They are wonderful.
However depending on life’s circumstances, paycheques may or may not be adequate to provide a needed sense of worth and security. I say this because I finally am earning a paycheque where I don’t have to budget in a starbucks fix or an unexpected lunch with co-workers. It is really nice. Many people I know are not so lucky and I feel for them. My three years in DC were spent scrimping and saving…when my car was broken into twice in one month and I had to borrow money from my parents to get the second replacement window I was devastated. This is not where I am right now.
My current paycheque has allowed me to upgrade my computer. It has let me purchase new clothing (Yay!). I have purchased an i-trip and new headphones. I have purchased a plane ticket (though that mainly is from income tax refund anticipation). I don’t lead a fancy life but I buy fancy cheese from Sobey’s and the occasional bottle of wine. I’m okay with my life while not living it up in bling bling.
Where is this going you may ask? Is she bragging about her wealth? Her non-guilt over a starbucks latte?
NO! It is because I have issued myself a challenge. For you see, with this new found wealth I have, well, overindulged at the Midtown. I have overindulged in my the waist line whilst lining the pocketbook of Mr. Sobey. How do I know this? Well I know this because I did a three month review of my outgoings and realized I have a lot of outgoings when I thought I had so few.
So for this paycheque, lasting for 15 days, I decided to buckle down. I have set a modest budget for food and fun. This budget is probably half of what I normally allow. To make sure I am held back, I took my paycheque, paid all my bills and then threw the remainder on a credit card. Normally I pay the credit card after I’ve made my bi-monthly purchases…not so this time. I have cut the purse strings and there’s no looking back.
Now for some, the amount of money I have set aside for these 15 days will be more than enough to survive. It might be luxury living. However for me it will be with pangs of regret that I may need to forgo a sale, forgo a cheese, forgo a glass of wine. For fifteen days I will fight the retail gods and god-damn-it, I will prevail. All I ask is a little understanding if I don’t supersize our next outing…That is all…let the challenge begin.