The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Push that bus

rosa died and thats kinda sad, even though she didn't like outkast...

in other news, if I were in DC tonight I'd be parking myself out on 17th Street to watch the drag races, uh, the high heel races...very few things can provide better entertainment that diva drags in six inch heels racing down a street, their wigs bopping up and down with every step...

Chicago! Thursday! CANNOT WAIT! Of course have yet to pack, do laundry or buy requisite travel gear. Will do that tomorrow.

Continue to suck at finding a job. I realize I'm pretty fucking pathetic but this is just getting to be a bit much. If I had realized that getting my MBA was going to be detrimental I might not have done sod that, I wanted to move here...

You might not hear from me for a bit, since, you know, I'm off to CHICAGO...but in the meantime I've got the Kills on Wednesday and mando Diao on the first for when I come back...I still haven't quite grasped that broke and dying on my ass factor.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

letting go

People who know me know that I have a thing for 'collecting', well not 'collecting' but keeping stuff long after I really need it. I'm the type of girl who thinks that having a gadget for every possible use, even if it is used once a year, is a good thing. I used to own a christmas tree stand! A breadmaker! A set of parfait glasses! It all was so beautiful and they all are sitting in my parents basement at the mo...

So today, when I was unpacking the clothes I had packed away to make room for M's stuff over the summer, I came across my beloved Missola Children's Theatre T-shirt. Dating back to my star performance in 1992, where I played a 'farmer', I loved that shirt. It was huge when I got it, and now fit me quite nicely. Of course, 13 years on, the white wasn't so white, there were, uh, yellow patches in places, ummmm, and of course some holes in the shirt. It looked like shit. But I've worn it in the last year because I LOVE that shirt.

So today, I found it. Crumpled, dirty and well, looking like ass. And I held it up and hugged...and, gasp, I threw it away. It's gone. 13 years later (I think thats how old i was when I got it!) and I finally ditched if only I could ditch my dad's 1976 authentic Montreal Olympics tee!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Ok, so no recovery was needed from Monday night's antics, which was an enjoyable night. For my Party I got a bit of gold and little bit of romance. Drink at Korova and then off to bed. Not wild but then again, maybe the boat show will provide that excitement.

In other news: M's return to the UK on Saturday Morning meant a 5:30 AM wakeup to catch the 6:15 train to wait on the cold platform at Victoria Station in Manchester till I caught the bus to the airport. Wrong terminal and delays resulted but in the end he arrived, tanned and armed with penguins and pickles for me:)

Went to wHales on Sunday to help M move. The town was adorable, yet the massive castle, walled city and marina did not make the most memorable impression. Instead it was the meal at the pub where one of the patrons decided that it was alright to, uh, pass wind directly onto our table where myself, M and M's new roomie were eating. Silent giggles erupted into a full out laugh-a-thon for five minutes.

Now I'm back to the grind. Determined to get out of the club soon enough. But I have a trip to Chicago in a week to keep me happy....Yay!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Musings Time

So I guess this blog goes out to 1/3 of C3, who asked that I spill juicy, sorrid stories of my time celebrating the awesomeness that is me. Unfortunately this blog will be a bit of a disappointment in that there will be little to say. Maybe its because my ancient self is too reflective...thinking of the far greater picture than the immediate...but on this day these are the reflective things that have made me a ponder...
1) I am at my most educated self and currently working for the least amount of money I've earned since 1999. And that includes factoring in for the exchange.
2) My financial debts are so high that at my current wage I'd have to work about 140 hours a week to be able to live/pay them off.
3) If I don't get a job in this country I'll be booted back to Saskatchewan...I don't know how to feel about that.
4) I still haven't purchased Supergrass' new album, even though they've been one of my favourite bands since they first released their catchy 'Caught by the Fuzz'.
5) If you factor in the exchange I spent over $1000CA on a crappy cell phone this year. I really need to change plans.

So there you have it -- the musings of a, uh, 21 year old! But to appease Mr. 1/3 of C3, my party is on Saturday and I'll cry if I want to...or just down the sorrows away. Tonight is about food, cake and prezzies...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Staring Longingly up the stairs

So I'm sitting at what we here in Liverpool call the FACT Centre. Really I'm just stealing some internet by positioning myself at the information table, not going to the bar, and the coffeeshop has long been closed. Sounds of Ladytron are drifing down the stairs, and there is quite the flutter of activity. Now here's the thing. I don't know what the activity flutter is about but I'm very intrigued. Everyone keeps coming in, staring at the coffeeshop, staring at me, and the referring to a little white card before progressing upstairs.

Now I know that it takes very little to climb a set of stairs but two things are holding me back. One, I went running yesterday (down by the docks, up some stairs, through town and back home, it was lovely. I quite enjoyed myself and intended to run again today but I never because I ran out of time), and my legs hurt. LIke ache. And the thought of climbing stiars scares me. And Two, I don't have the handy dandy white card. (It now appears that the activity may be taking place on the ground floor. I'm not sure). But I am jealous that they are part of something and I'm just the tool stealing internet because my cheap ass is too broke to purchase it.

I am jealous of these people. I might ask whats up. I just might...Grrr it's soo frustrating...frustrating enough that I blogged about it. By the way, the new Ladytron album sounds awesome. It's sweet sounds in this concrete clad building work very well together and I hope that one day I'll hear the cd again. Now if only I could tell Mr. Ladytron himself that it sounds awesome, since I see him EVERYWHERE, at FACT, shopping, at his club night...

I'm digressing. Maybel I'll ask whats up. Or maybe I'll just go purchase my Dizzee tickets.. I think I'll do that.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

They Say YNWA and I guess its true...

So on Monday I got the phonecall: Hey L, it's F from LFC. Would you like to come back and work for us. We have a project we'd like you to do. You start on Thursday.
And with that my unemployment ended. Just three short days, or five if you include the weekend. I suppose its good but its bad. It means I don't dedicate myself to a job hunt and it means I continue to live the la-la-la lifestyle longer, putting off the inevitable of a real job. However I do get a paycheque and a steady one, and I won't go insane with boredom. So we'll see how it works out. Although the thought of spending the next three months in the windowless warehouse is more than depressing:(
What else. I went to the Tate today to look at some art. It was alright although nothing really struck my fancy. Ran into one of M's old roomies on the way there and chit chatted for a bit. Then strolled along the docks and up into town. Went shopping and picked up a cheap t-shirt from H&M and then 'Anchorman' on DVD (£6.99) not too bad and its soo incredibly awesome! Also used up a gift certificate from one of our friends, so got Kasabian and 'Dodgeball'. So good times to be had soonish! Ran into one of our Southport Boys in Virgin and a MBA student off my course so it was kinda nice.
Other than that not much else to report. I have to do some more transcribing tonight, but that'll wait till after Hollyoaks. And yeah, so I guess its back to footie...grrr...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Signing on...a student no more

It is with great satisfaction, reluctance, hesitance and anxiety that I write this little, though I'm sure it will turn out to be long, post. The dissertation was handed in on Friday at approximately 11:15 AM. Totaling 111 or so pages, with a word count of 14833 not including tables or appendices, the final product was a piece of shit. I managed to prove that the marketing of the RopeWalks has helped shape the neighbourhood and has had some influence on people's perceptions. What that means is that marketing does work to some extent. Wow. I'm brilliant. I'm a fucking genius.
So with it handed in I promptly went home and played a bit of playstation and had a nap. I then went out and got drunk. Pretty much expected behaviour of a student for that one last day. I'll find out in november just how poorly I did, although I can't imagine I'd fail the I should be walking across the stage on December 13 to collect my newest wall art.
With the handing in of that final paper, my student card has expired. I no longer am a student (well according to taxes and the uni, but according to home office, who let me work, they still class me as one. So I'm only allowed to work 20 hours a week yet I'm expected to pay back my student loans and pay taxes in this country as if I was working full time. It's a really bitchy thing to do to the international students, all of whom are in this little predicament).
Since I'm technically no longer a student, I join the ranks of the unemployed. I don't know how to feel about that. I had really wanted, for once in my life, to come out of one situation with a job lined up. And as of right now I have few to no prospects. And if I don't get a job by December, I say adieu to this country...
So thats my musings. LJE returned to DC on Wednesday -- which brought a tear to my eye. I miss that boy and am jealous of his awesome DCness. M flew off to Florida on Friday, so another two weeks before I get my boy back. All of which means shocks to the system...nothing to do and only K to hang out with. I'm planning on calling up randoms to see if they want to hang out but I am on a very strict budget. At the moment all my food goes on credit --hehehe!
I guess for now I'll just attend to cleaning and planning out the next phase/stage in my life. Ahh sweet sweet time -- so much yet so little.