The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

letting go

People who know me know that I have a thing for 'collecting', well not 'collecting' but keeping stuff long after I really need it. I'm the type of girl who thinks that having a gadget for every possible use, even if it is used once a year, is a good thing. I used to own a christmas tree stand! A breadmaker! A set of parfait glasses! It all was so beautiful and they all are sitting in my parents basement at the mo...

So today, when I was unpacking the clothes I had packed away to make room for M's stuff over the summer, I came across my beloved Missola Children's Theatre T-shirt. Dating back to my star performance in 1992, where I played a 'farmer', I loved that shirt. It was huge when I got it, and now fit me quite nicely. Of course, 13 years on, the white wasn't so white, there were, uh, yellow patches in places, ummmm, and of course some holes in the shirt. It looked like shit. But I've worn it in the last year because I LOVE that shirt.

So today, I found it. Crumpled, dirty and well, looking like ass. And I held it up and hugged...and, gasp, I threw it away. It's gone. 13 years later (I think thats how old i was when I got it!) and I finally ditched if only I could ditch my dad's 1976 authentic Montreal Olympics tee!


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