The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

They Say YNWA and I guess its true...

So on Monday I got the phonecall: Hey L, it's F from LFC. Would you like to come back and work for us. We have a project we'd like you to do. You start on Thursday.
And with that my unemployment ended. Just three short days, or five if you include the weekend. I suppose its good but its bad. It means I don't dedicate myself to a job hunt and it means I continue to live the la-la-la lifestyle longer, putting off the inevitable of a real job. However I do get a paycheque and a steady one, and I won't go insane with boredom. So we'll see how it works out. Although the thought of spending the next three months in the windowless warehouse is more than depressing:(
What else. I went to the Tate today to look at some art. It was alright although nothing really struck my fancy. Ran into one of M's old roomies on the way there and chit chatted for a bit. Then strolled along the docks and up into town. Went shopping and picked up a cheap t-shirt from H&M and then 'Anchorman' on DVD (£6.99) not too bad and its soo incredibly awesome! Also used up a gift certificate from one of our friends, so got Kasabian and 'Dodgeball'. So good times to be had soonish! Ran into one of our Southport Boys in Virgin and a MBA student off my course so it was kinda nice.
Other than that not much else to report. I have to do some more transcribing tonight, but that'll wait till after Hollyoaks. And yeah, so I guess its back to footie...grrr...


  • At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My Dearest Lylar,

    I can't tell you how wonderful it is to read that you are done the dissertation!! Congratualtions!!! It brings me hope that I too might someday escape out the other end of this horrid beast that is grad school.


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