The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Signing on...a student no more

It is with great satisfaction, reluctance, hesitance and anxiety that I write this little, though I'm sure it will turn out to be long, post. The dissertation was handed in on Friday at approximately 11:15 AM. Totaling 111 or so pages, with a word count of 14833 not including tables or appendices, the final product was a piece of shit. I managed to prove that the marketing of the RopeWalks has helped shape the neighbourhood and has had some influence on people's perceptions. What that means is that marketing does work to some extent. Wow. I'm brilliant. I'm a fucking genius.
So with it handed in I promptly went home and played a bit of playstation and had a nap. I then went out and got drunk. Pretty much expected behaviour of a student for that one last day. I'll find out in november just how poorly I did, although I can't imagine I'd fail the I should be walking across the stage on December 13 to collect my newest wall art.
With the handing in of that final paper, my student card has expired. I no longer am a student (well according to taxes and the uni, but according to home office, who let me work, they still class me as one. So I'm only allowed to work 20 hours a week yet I'm expected to pay back my student loans and pay taxes in this country as if I was working full time. It's a really bitchy thing to do to the international students, all of whom are in this little predicament).
Since I'm technically no longer a student, I join the ranks of the unemployed. I don't know how to feel about that. I had really wanted, for once in my life, to come out of one situation with a job lined up. And as of right now I have few to no prospects. And if I don't get a job by December, I say adieu to this country...
So thats my musings. LJE returned to DC on Wednesday -- which brought a tear to my eye. I miss that boy and am jealous of his awesome DCness. M flew off to Florida on Friday, so another two weeks before I get my boy back. All of which means shocks to the system...nothing to do and only K to hang out with. I'm planning on calling up randoms to see if they want to hang out but I am on a very strict budget. At the moment all my food goes on credit --hehehe!
I guess for now I'll just attend to cleaning and planning out the next phase/stage in my life. Ahh sweet sweet time -- so much yet so little.


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