The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

It Has Begun

Months of procrasination no longer.
Weeks of reading to fill the Time.
Ignoring vital signs in attempts to delay the inevitable.
One could not play the game forever.
Sigh, it is over.
The lead-up over, reality set in today.
I began composing my thesis.
In true me style I have laid the groundwork on the introduction.
I have put to paper some 1200 words thus far.
I will not struggle to fill the 14000 word limit.
I do anticipate struggles with the Research Part.
That I continue to put off, though thought has now gone into it.
It has Begun: The Thesis

In other Me News:
Interview on Friday was alright though not as awesome and fab as I wanted it to be. I don't think I'll soon be employed through them, although I anticipate an interview this coming week with a firm in Liverpool.

On the work front, the shirt launch seems to have gone well. Many complaints and I think I'm being sued by a customer (since it was obviousy MY fault he didn't get his order) and much room for the club to improve but its not really my concern. I do have fun spotting the fake shirts from the real ones though...yikes, thats scary!

And finally, I'm craving shopping at the moment and must abstain:

I want shoes and handbags
scarves and rings
necklaces of diamonds
and gold shiny things.

My ipod is lacking
in music of new and creative song
Purchasing from Amazon
won't be too long.

Apple has a new mouse out,
with buttons and laser beams,
RyanAir has seats for sale,
for places once reserved for my dreams.

The stores are packed
with items for fall,
hats, 'jumpers', jeans and shoes,
it is my name they call.

I keep thinking about how
my credit card has some room,
and it would just take a swipe,
for my desires to bloom.

Then I look to my statements
and realize my fate,
10 long years of debt repayment,
at high interest rates.


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