The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombing

Hey! I'm not in London and I wasn't bombed...although I do seem to have a penchant for countries which are attacked by terrorists...INTERESTING...

Really thats the only interesting tidbit to pass on. Life has been progressing at a pace that doesn't allow thesis work yet the days drag on, as I sit there, packing, and packing, and packing. Actually the other day we had no packing to do so we were told to look busy...for FIVE hours...why they didn't send us home I don't know. So I swept a pile of dirt about 10 metres, with the help of a coworker, for 45 minutes! hahahaha...suckers...

Had a lovely meal on Sunday with M and then again on Tuesday for his graduation...the Tuesday meal involved his we were walking back through town I noticed out of the corner of my eye my stalker from off my course. Given the fact that I don't like my stalker and that I was in coversation with M's mom I felt it unneccessary to 'notice' I kept walking and talking...but the stalker kept pace with us and was listening in...Finally M's mom turned to M and was like, 'M, stop walking, that man is keeping pace with you' was dreadfully embarassing and I leaned in to M's mom and told her I knew the boy and that he was my stalker and M was now mad that this boy was around and it was a bit of a mess...Kudos to M's mom for her next reaction which was to quickly divert towards a shop and she pointed in the window and was like 'Lyla do you like those shoes' -- a great diverson tactic which was lost on M's dad who pointed out that the shoe's were too youthful for M's mom...but what it meant was that the stalker had no option but to keep walking and we could stop and talk about the whole situation...crazy.

Didn't get the jobs I interviewed for...shocking.

Anyways so saw a band on monday who were awesome and everyone should go see them...the Redwalls from the USA sound like the BEatles with occasional country influences...they are cuter than pink open toe heals and they sound great.

So now have M's graduation ball tomorrow so that should be good fun...I cannot promise I will behave. Congrats to him! yay!

See ya!


  • At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest L,

    I haven't read your blog in quite a while, so I'll comment on several entries all at once:
    1) the London bombing...very sad. But I'm happy you and K (and M...though I don't technically know him...)are safe.
    2)We have the Modest Mouse, Killers, Kinks, Keane,Vines, Teagan and Sara (of course) and a very interestin set of brazilian music by Theivery Corporation (a chic-coffee-shop compilation) which is cool to chill to. Also, could burn a copy of the new Black Eyed Peas. I think that's it. If you're interested in any or all of these we could definitely burn you copies.
    3)Was that Tony Blair's son? Coool. I think that makes you semi-famous by proxy. Lindell found Dick Assman (made famous on David Letterman) in a list of "famous" Saskatchewanians.'re next!
    4) Garden! Yea! Our apartment is turning into a tropical jungle. No veggies though. But we do have some runty dill and cilantro.
    5) Lack of structure...Amen.
    6) Jobs..bah. I wish I were independently wealthy and never had to do a day of work in my life. Although that might take me straight back to #5. It's a conundrum.
    7) Poetry. Some nice rhymes there. And it was entertaining.
    8)Stalker...creepy and yet really funny. Snaps to M's mom for the quick thinking tactic.
    9) Many hugs to you, K, LJ, and M as well.

  • At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey L/UK,

    Checking up on you, good to hear all is well.

    I relate to your money and thesis woes. I am in the same situation -- poor and frustrated. I'm paying loads of money to the Univ. for unexpected summer tuition, struggling to keep motivated on the thesis, lacking any kind of stucture or motivation or supervisor. I am also applying for a job (interview manana) and obsessing about that ... even though I am over qualified and slightly uninterested. Need the money but undoubtedly it will drag the thesis out longer.

    Great to hear things are well with M ... and a stalker always provides a little spice in your life (I assume ... I could use a stalker ...) .

    Take care and hugs all around to K, LJ, and M (is that wierd, is he the man hugging type or stiff upper lip type?).

  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Martyn said…

    Hugs are good.


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