The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Elections, Jobs and so many other fun things

Its been a bit of a stressful week, and i've managed to lose my cool on more than one occasion. Fantastic. I've turned into a crying machine and I can't seem to stop it..waterworks are in full force -- and no, you can't blame it on it's that time, etc. It's just a whole lotta stress combining into frustrations.

Interesting experience yesterday was voting. yes thats right, the canadian in liverpool got to vote in the UK election! How crazy is that? I don't know if I committed voter fraud but when the voter registration forms showed up, the question asked was: are you a british citizen or a citizen of the commonwealth? Which I am, and so I got a voter card.

FYI: the brit ballots were much akin to the Canadian ones: five names of candidates, their party symbol and name, and an area to check by each name. Simple, easy. My party, in fine Lyla style, lost. But thats not a shock.

Today has been about hunting for jobs. As in going to agencies and being told, hmmm, we don't have anything that really suits you. I feel useless. I basically have a masters degree but am told I can't work retail. Fuck. I just need cash! This sucks.

Other exciting news in the last week:
Worked at the Liverpool game last Saturday surveying ethnic fans as they went through the turnstile. Best part of this was a) the cash: £28 for 2 hours work and b) that I was put looking out onto the players parking lot. While I didn't know who I saw when I saw them, I now have two new footballing boyfriends to go with my lovely Freddie. I am now a fan of Milan and Djimi...more of Milan though:)

Then on the weekend I had another hollyoaks sighting when i saw the twins (mel and sophie) in downtown liverpool. Today's sightings of not so famous but important personalities have been rock star charles, lips and syd. Not bad for a quick run into town.

Alright -- need to hit another agency before calling it a day.

Oh: and in Dizzee news, a new record label called dirtee stank. Read more here:

Finally, saw the Arcade Fire on Wednesday in Manchester. Met some Canadians in town for the film festival. The band tried their best to overcome what is possibly one of the shoddiest venues I've ever been to but they couldn't do it. I'm happy I saw them but the venue, sound system and crowd (one guy had to tell the rest of us around him about how drunk he was throughout the set) made it a disappointment. Which made me sad. I miss my clubs in DC.


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