The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

DFA 1979, the Royal Mail and the status of my new cold

That’s right bitches...I’ve got a new cold that has been causing fevers, incessant use of Kleenexes and pill popping of paracetmol (UK's own version of Tylenol)to relieve my sinus head. AWESOME!!! FUCKING ACE!!! Now I'm just waiting to get the mumps from M....

The Royal Mail has become my new life saver: as in, it is employing me for random, ridiculous houred shifts that pay in excess of £7 an hour. Translated to Canadia that's about $16 dollars an hour for putting letters into the appropriate Postal Code boxes. Downside is the hours: did one shift on Saturday from 7AM to 5 PM (well they let us off at 3:30 but paid us till 5!!!) and then tonight from, get this: 5PM to 6 AM -- night shift while having a cold -- rock...; and tomorrow from 5PM to 10 PM....

But with a visitor from afar coming (AMC from ND) I need the extra cash on top of just needing the cash to purchase food for consumption and drink for addiction.

And finally, yet another rock star outing for myself and K...went to see DFA 1979 on Saturday with Metric as the openers. Had seen Metric open for the Stills last May and was unimpressed. They were much better this time and the lead singer has Karen O's stage presence in numerous ways.

DFA 1979 were complete and utter asshole dicks...which was awesome. People, for some strange reason, kept jumping on the stage and acting like they belonged there -- for which they were either told to 'get the fuck of the stage asshole' or were pushed off from behind....which I thought was appropriate. Then Sebastian made a comment about how 'I've fucked a lot of Canadians. I've fucked a few of you too. You're not that great. (pause) kidding.' Excellent!

So after the show K and I decided that since it was one of the metric dude's birthday's we should invite them to what she now calls 'the boat show' -- our Saturday indie dance night at le bateau. So we went up to them and started talking -- a little sad because they asked me where my accent was from and I said Saskatchewan and they said they had no idea where to place me -- although they knew I wasn't British...that makes me sad in some ways...

So we talked for a bit about our parent’s professions and the different types of venues they were playing on this tour. Then we said 'well if you're up for it you should come to le bateau tonight'...and they didn't seem all excited so K said 'it's an indie dance club, they play a lot of Morrissey' so then they got I told them where it was: Le Bateau on Duke Street and they said they'd think about it.

So off K and I went to pick up LJE and M from our flat where one was writing a paper and the other nursing an inflamed testicle (you decide who's who). Changed and went to the club. Hung out, saw the Southport boys and went to the bar to get a drink...when all of a sudden the Metric dudes are like, 'hey, this club is great!' we talked to them and their stage man, who was awesome...from Ohio (yay for the state that makes the best USA boys), has worked with Metric (did the Stills tour last year and so we talked about the 9:30 club) and that was great.

Then I went up to Sebastian and said good show and he was a dick. He was talking to some other dude from Metric (I really should look up their names) and we ended up discussing how they could use their rock star status to get blow jobs from the girls at the club, but then I countered that this was the UK and you don't need to be a rockstar to get a blow job...or anything else for that matter...But the conversation was lacking and they were being dicks so I fucked off back to the funness of my friends...K had a good talk with the other dude about immigration laws and how his parents weren't allowed into Canada until after the 1950's...But the Metric peeps were great and they and the sound guy seemed quite impressed with the club, talking about how awesome it was, etc. In fact, they stuck around till the bitter end so that’s a good sign...always need to tell the band where to party because otherwise they go back to their hotel and that just isn't cool...

So that's twice I've convinced a band to come to a club: the Sounds and now Metric -- not the biggest bands but fun times none the less...

So that’s that. Another long post. It keeps me from working on my thesis and we all like that.

Probably be a bit longer till my next post due to the visit and London and the Bravery or Supergrass -- depends on guest list status and ticket status.

Need to sleep before my ass long shift.

Props to M for my 'thanks for taking care of me while I had the mumps' gift: the Best of Human League cd:) Yay!


  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Martyn said…

    It's true. The mumps has left me looking like the legend that is Freddie Mercury.

  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Lyla said…

    Left you lookinG??? I saw that yellow satin suit jacket in your room the other day...

  • At 6:09 AM, Blogger Martyn said…

    I was saving that for my graduation ball. Doing it Freddie style, there's gonna be dwarves with bowls of coke on thier head and hookers mud wrestling.

  • At 6:10 AM, Blogger Lyla said…

    But because its you you'll just go hopped up on codene


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