The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Warning: Massive Post

Ok so I admit I've been slacking on the posting but its been a bit hectic and a bit frantic.

Term ended Monday, as I've already indicated. On Monday I had to hand it a 1500 word paper (not lots but still), two reflection pieces (one 800 words, one 2000), and a group report that I had to compile (over 12000 words including 12 appendixes). So it was a bit much.

However I did find the time to go out Thursday/Friday/Saturday of the weekend and on Saturday I had the pleasure of talking Rock Star Charles. thats right, K and I went up to him and talked. Well K did the going up to him. Funny how people don't sound like you'd imagine and how they look different up close...he's from York, just finished a graphic design degree at the Liverpool Art School (?) and is here for the summer. We didn't exchange names, thank god, and I told him I'd be calling him Charles. So perhaps our paths will cross again.

Sunday I worked at the footie match in the beer concession stand. The work was decent enough -- I didn't have to flip burgers so thats good, but half of our pumps weren't working properally so the lager often had a good two inches of head on it - which wasn't exactly loved by the peeps. During half time most of our pumps were shot and we had people yelling at us bc it was taking us so long to pour decent pints. I ended up neglecting one guy who patiently waited and finally spoke up to be served. So I apologized profusely and poured him some excellent pints -- to which he gave me close to a £2 tip for, saying 'in america you wouldn't serve these guys would you without expecting at least a £1 tip for each pint'....needless to say everyone at the bar shut up, etc. But whats sucky is that even though my accent got me about £4 in tips, we had a common tip jar and I walked away with £1.30 in tips for four hours of serving. This country is fucking ridiculous...

Tuesday was Alton Towers which was loads of fun. M's mumps acted up a bit but he still rode the rides and just hotflashed/coldflashed while waiting in lines. We waited to ride 'AIR' for a good 45 minutes and were about two turns away from hopping on when the ride broke down. Shitty -- but after about 10 minutes it was back up and running -- is that a good thing? who knows...

Anyways we went on all the big coasters and then we went on the SWINGS (always a favourite of mine), some water rides, some cool room mind-trickery rides and to the haunted house. All in all it was a lot of fun -- and pretty. The grounds are all divided up into little 'land's and seperated by gardens and lots of green lawn so it was nice just walking from one land to another. Not a pavement jungle like Disney.

Now its on to the thesis and job hunt. Tomorrow I get to work for the Royal Post sorting envelopes (yay!) from 7AM!!! That'll be tough as I've got my MBA year end party tonight and LaJuan is in town. But when beggers can't be choosers.

AM arrives on Thursday and I'm very excited, if not apprehensive about the cost of visitors. But fuck it. Sometimes you just need to have fun.

Cold is back with a vengence.

I'm out this post had better satiate any of my two readers for another week or so.



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