The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Relating to my Death, Chapter Two

Posioning huh? Alcohol perhaps?

You scored as Posion. Your death will be by poison, probably because you are a glutton and are around so many people that it would be easy to get away with it. Several important people in history share your fate.



Natural Causes


Cut Throat






















How Will You Die??
created with

Important to note: I have told M that I'd take a bullet for him - but never have I said that I would take a knife -- perhaps this is why I stand a greater chance of dying by gunshot than by stabbing...

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm saddened

How is it that I'm not more mid-western?

Your Linguistic Profile:
65% General American English
10% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern


I had written a beautiful post about what i'm musing about and blogger decided to tear it up and spit it my readers, I will not repeat...suffice it to say, it was a boring post.

Um...I move to England in eight days. I am very nervous, anxious, excited and scared. I think I know what I am wearing for my first day of work (in two weeks!)...which will coincide with what I wear for my last day of work (well, not including casual friday)...I have a shit tonne of stuff to do and most I can't do until the weekend...

I have been informed by my bank that I need to draft up a will. This should be interesting...I bequeth by 1994 sony cd boombox player to....I will my shoes to...

Funny - these weren't part of my original musings...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

November 3, 2067

On November 3, 2067, the world bid adeau to the much loved Lyla. Family and friends were often touched by Lyla, her loving spirit made her a joy to be around. Always willing to share, she gave more than people ever expected or wanted. Her ambition enabled the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly to reach 26% of it's planned goals while bringing Shakira Hip lessons to bars from Saskatoon to Leeds.

She will be somewhat missed by those who continue to live on. Her ashes will be swept into the great big sky after her body parts are divided amongst the needy. Her only charitable giving.

For more information, please use the following link:

Monday, September 18, 2006

Checkout at Sobey's

So on Sunday I stopped by the Wildwood Sobey's to pick up some ingredients for my veggie chilli mix. It was a drizzly day and I had recently overindugled at a Grainfield's brunch after a late night of drinking and bowling.

As I was wandering the produce aisle (mostly in a daze), I soon noticed that I was, um, being noticed. There was some younger dude who kept staring at what I was putting in my basket and um, staring at me. It was kind of funny. He psuedo 'followed' me through the produce lines, through the veggie product lines and the bakery section. When I went to checkout, he was behind me in line.

What I particularily like about this checkout was that I think that part of the reason he was checking me out (in my hungover state) was because of my choice in food products...clearly a vegetarian looking for a suitable mate to start a hippie commune where we could whip up batches of hummous and drink dandelion wine together. Ahh, but I'll remain flattered none-the-less.

The other interesting aside to all of this is, is that as I get, um, more mature, I now realize how often one gets checked out. When I was in Uni the first time round I was either completely oblivious to the checkouts or my raver pants and skater shirts weren't cutting it for the male species.

Whatever. I've got my mate and while we won't be starting any commune's any time soon, we will be shacking up in a kick ass flat in Leeds (or so I've been told). Now if only the visa guys would hurry it up so I can go shopping at Tesco's with my sweetums (! M might kill me for the nickname!).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Reminds me of the urine parties...

The City has a land use code called Pregnant Mare Urine....

Sexy's Back

Today is awesome. Why? Because both Basement Jaxx and Justin Timberlake drop new albums today. And because I'm getting a surprise purchase from CD Plus -- will it be the new outkast album or the new lillex album (yes, I said it, the new lillex album).

This evening cannot come fast enough for my listening pleasures...


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Awesome! I fucking sided that!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Awesome! I fucking grew that...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So I'm boring huh...

After leaving a thoughtful comment regarding my own experiences with a blog topic, I was informed that my comment, really did not count. This is because the blogger in question informed me that my comment, really, most of my comments, are too boring. Too factual. They are based in reality and are not funny. Which in turn, means that I am not funny.

Well, at least I'm not an ass.

That is all.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Movin On Up...To the East Side

The first round of 'THE MOVE' took place over this past week. All of my parents furniture has been returned to Outlook, my dishes stored in boxes waiting to be unpacked in a few years time.

I spent the weekend sorting through my stuff (who knew I had so many clothes...ok well we all did but still!) and helping side my parents house. I even packed suitcase one for 'THE MOVE' round two, though it's still five pounds over the weight limit of 70 pounds. Yikes!

I am a nailing queen by the way. I'm most excellent at nailing....oh the joy of juvinile jokes.

For the next month I'm crashing at the Little B's house, sofa cushions on the floor styles. Not that people call me but that's where I'll be reached. Oh and I'm weekending in Outlook -- so as to help with the siding, keep organizing leading up to the 'MOVE' and babying my back after each week on the floor.

Anyone want to join me at Danko Jones on Thursday? $10 at the Roxy...I am most excited...