The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Checkout at Sobey's

So on Sunday I stopped by the Wildwood Sobey's to pick up some ingredients for my veggie chilli mix. It was a drizzly day and I had recently overindugled at a Grainfield's brunch after a late night of drinking and bowling.

As I was wandering the produce aisle (mostly in a daze), I soon noticed that I was, um, being noticed. There was some younger dude who kept staring at what I was putting in my basket and um, staring at me. It was kind of funny. He psuedo 'followed' me through the produce lines, through the veggie product lines and the bakery section. When I went to checkout, he was behind me in line.

What I particularily like about this checkout was that I think that part of the reason he was checking me out (in my hungover state) was because of my choice in food products...clearly a vegetarian looking for a suitable mate to start a hippie commune where we could whip up batches of hummous and drink dandelion wine together. Ahh, but I'll remain flattered none-the-less.

The other interesting aside to all of this is, is that as I get, um, more mature, I now realize how often one gets checked out. When I was in Uni the first time round I was either completely oblivious to the checkouts or my raver pants and skater shirts weren't cutting it for the male species.

Whatever. I've got my mate and while we won't be starting any commune's any time soon, we will be shacking up in a kick ass flat in Leeds (or so I've been told). Now if only the visa guys would hurry it up so I can go shopping at Tesco's with my sweetums (! M might kill me for the nickname!).


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