The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Caught by the fuzz

So today while walking to uni I had Toad the Wet Sprocket stuck in my head. Random.

You may have guessed by now that I continue on my procrasination on the thesis work. To entertain you I will tell you about my run-in with Britain's finest.

Yesterday I was walking home from uni, happily gabbing away on my CELL phone with LJE. I reached the junction between 'not-town' and 'town' and noticed a policing man waiting by the light with me. I kept talking and walking, and soon noticed that the policing man happened to be, ahem, following me. If I sped up he quickened his pace, etc. So after about five minutes of this, the policing man turns to me and says, excuse me ma'am...I'm still talking so I tell LJE to hold for a moment.

L: yes>
PM: I just want you to know that...
L: you've been following me since rapid hardware?
PM:(shocked smile), that in liverpool, you shouldn't be so absorbed in conversation because someone could easily nick your bag and you won't be aware of it.
L: (smiles, nodding head) thank you. I'll consider that...

Little does he know that I have taken on would-be muggers in the past...anyways, awkward and wierd but I'll give props to the man for being so concerned about my well-being -- too bad the police didn't respond to my 999 call a month back...

Ok, so yeah, busy again.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Whoever invented the internet should have known that it would cause distraction issues for students across the world.

Stupid internet. Stupid thesis.

Monday, April 25, 2005

So amazingly fucked

And not in a good way...I have so much work to do before May 16, and before April 29, that I don't know how it's feesible to get it all finished.

Sigh, and spring has sprung. M and I walked from my place to his yesterday and I got to see neighbourhoods I had not yet seen -- it was great...really made me look forward to summer and walks and fun times.

But now I'm stuck in a dingy computer lab (well its not that dingy) trying to pretend that I've spent the last three months working on my thesis, which I have not...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Passed Away

Received news yesterday that my grandma, johanne larsen n. dam (no idea if I spelt it right, that's terrible), passed away at the age of 96. Hearing about the death of your grandmother by email and then passing the news on to your sister via text: strange world we live in.

Anyways, the whole point of this. I am saddened by her death because I know my mother is. I am saddened because grandma was almost like an institution, she was always there and always going to be (or so we thought). And I'm saddened because death is sad, even if it was expected, wanted and the best thing.

So yes, I am sad. Not crying sad...a couple tears but still. Also I won't be going to the funeral which is very odd and feels wrong. Thats all for now.

Monday, April 11, 2005

From the Onion:

Libra: (Sept. 23—Oct. 23)
Modern design continues to exert too much influence on your life, as you'll soon be available in six hot new colors, in addition to classic brushed aluminum.

I think this relates to the new Oasis single...either that or my inflatable doll line that will soon be released.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Catch the silver sunlight in your hands

So much to say that I've decided to try not say much.

Trip up north was a lot of fun. The parents met the boy, M and haven't made any comments...I don't know if that is good or bad or if it means that they know me well enough not to ask and will pry my little brother for details on their return. Whatever the case, the meeting was a bit, um, awkward. This is because I didn't tell my parents about M before they actually met him on the platform. And only after he left did I tell them that I was actually dating him. Oh well.

I got to drive and it was a lot of fun. I must admit that there were times I curbed it as I 'forgot' about the left hand side of the car. Oh well. No damages and just a lot of fun in general. Dad drove as well, and sigh, he was better than I.

M came along for the entire trip, which made it a lot more interesting, and fun...saw a lot of very cool things: lakes and trees and stone fences and baby sheeps and hadrians wall and wordsworths home and castles and cathedrals and stone circle etc.

I also got to meet M's mom who was very nice. I wasn't up to my best 'meet the parents' performance but I think I did alright. However, I did put the brakes on the whole parents meeting the parents (this was last week)...because as LJE said, that's the sequel.

Ma and Pa leave tomorrow and life resumes its normal pace. Next week K takes off for Germany and I become engrossed in my studies.

After being leaked on the internet and heard on the radio, I made my video debut last night after desperate housewives. Unfortunately I cannot support the artistic direction I have taken, and don't think that this is the best work that I've been affiliated with.

Finally, after loving seeing them EVERYWHERE when I was 'in the north', I got my very own baby sheeps from M. I named him Oswald, Ozsy for short (yes, a 'z' and an 's' just because I can). He sits beside Pingo the penguin, Sot the Moose, and near Punky the Monkey.

I've said to much.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Its Really Fucking Oasis: Lyla!

I was leaked on the internet last week, and this week I finally made my radio debut. The new single from Oasis was played on radio one, and I sound pretty decent. But we always knew that I would...

The drugs don't work...or they are taking their sweet time kicking in. Antibiotics for the could that won't body produces some nasty stuff...but we always knew that I would...

Off to carlisle in a few and pa Peter get to meet M...definately not trivial.


Sunday, April 03, 2005



Yesterday I was walking to my local apothecary and I looked over and saw this guy walking with a girl, and I was like, I know him! And then I realized that he was LEE HUNTER off my soap Hollyoaks. My first Hollyoaks sighting and he’s one of my favourites!!!

Friday Night News:

On Friday was out at the club and Satisfaction was playing. This girl got super excited and did this Elaine body heave move and slipped on the floor. Her legs went up in the air, her arms flailing and her body slamming to the floor. It was sooo funny but I didn’t laugh, but did the whole, ‘are you ok’? This was after I pushed a guy across the dance floor and he challenged…after Kristie pushed him back I walked away to get a bouncer but then decided against it. Good times on Friday.

The pope died. In case you hadn’t heard. As has Mitch Hedberg, a guy who I saw at the Improv in DC. Craziness.