The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

What a week...

Uggh...last week was, well, tiring! But fantastically fun! I say it started off with seeing Closer on Monday which I really enjoyed...mainly because it was fun to relate the characters to myself...

Tuesday K and I went to Manchester to see The Bravery. LJE joined us and the show was the girls kept screaming I wondered how much I could get for Michael H's number...Met up with Michael after the show and hung out backstage...found out that the one I thought was cute had lived in DC for some time...later went to a club in town and proceeded to get wasted. Woke up the next morning realizing there were three of us in the bed, I was still drunk and that I had blacked out the last part of the evening --- as had K and LJE...remenants come to me at times, shots, flirting and wanting food...

K and I hopped the train to London...hooked up with our DC girls in the evening and had a blast...made me really miss DC, the people and the old hood. The next day went to the Tower of London with the whole DC family and it was fun to see how the girls were so much like their parents...saw the crown jewels (decided I needed my own royal orb), different types of armour and a bunch of other historical stuff...

Met up with Johnny Makeout for a quick supper at a pub (much to M's dismay -- in fact, still haven't crossed that bridge)...hadn't seen him since October so that was kind of fun..although I realized that he bears a striking resemblance to my fake other other brother which was a little disconcerting...but still a cutie. Found out his last name is shrubshole or something like it -- meaning one who lives in a hole with a shrub outside. Nice.

Went to the club that Carl from the LIbertines dj's at on Thursday for a indie night -- five DC girls almost mauled this poor moppie as we all stared him down...he wouldn't have known what hit him had one of us acted.

Then on Friday the girls came to tha pool and we went out for supper -- great food and then off to the club where we had a good time -- saw a band called The Performance that peeps need to check out ( were great. Girls left and now I'm sad that I don't have any DCers coming to town -- lord knows my SK peeps aren't showing up anytime soon.

Weekly round up complete. The Bravery fucking rocked -- so happy that they are doing so well...album is out in March and they're on itunes...check them out...It was fun hanging out with rock stars again -- oh I'm shallow.



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