The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I have no right to complain

You know how it is when you start off a relationship and it rocks and you want to hang out all the time together? Ok, well, I hadn't up until now but anyways...I'M SOOOO TIRED! I just want to sleep and veg out on the couch but the days that I'm not out with M I'm out with KP. So even though I have no right to complain, I am, soley because I'm sleep deprived.

Speaking of relationships, M and I talked a lot about things yesterday: one topic of conversation was the difference between North America and the UK when it comes to relationships. While I feel that M and I have plunged into something super hardcore, he has stated that this is normal for the Brits: all or nothing, none of this wait two days to call a person, and then arrange something two days after that...

this was really my ploy to have an evening in but it turned into him coming over and the three of us (KP included) watching a documentary about big (and I'm talking 500 pounds) girls, fat addicts, their growing (parden the pun) porn industry and feeders. I was eating a yogurt at the time and M kept looking at me and saying, yeah, you want another, that's right babes, eat some more. Funny yes, but destroyed the delicious yogurt as all I could think of was what I'd look like at 500 pounds...uggh.

I got a cold from Girls Aloud. Well, not from a Girls Aloud but from that night. Which ROCKED btw.


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