The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Remove the Fucking Price Tag!

In an attempt to perhaps breathe some much needed life into this blog (does anyone still even read it now that I've left the vast majority of my readership in the cold tundras?)...I am about to open yet another debate on fashion faux pas's (?)...

I have generally noticed that women in the UK tend to buy a lot of their shoes from clothing shops and not shoe shops (ie. Le Chateau vs. Aldo). While I still contend that these fashion shops overcharge for uncomfortable, low-quality pleather shoes, I can accept that their shoes reflect the most current trends out there...which is why there is such demand (however as a Naturalizer convert where fun and exciting LEATHER shoes are sold at a decent price and are of the utmost comfort level, I will do my best to avoid purchasing any more foot crushing shoes from the likes of topshop, zara, dorthy perkins, etc)....(See this link for confirmation that shoe sales are higher in clothes stores than shoe stores, well, increasing anyway:

Moving on. So since the majority of shoes are purchased in clothing shops, they tend to be crudely priced on the bottom of the sole with a very large and obvious white price tag. And when you purchase the shoe you don't get a pair from the back shelves in a nice box, you get them handed to you in a bag, with a glaring large white price tag on each and every sole.

No problem. Common sense dictates that you go home, remove the lable and then prance around in the shoes until your feet feel as if they've been run through a wood chipper and pressed to extract every last bit of blood...usually within an hour of wear with most of these styles. Right? WRONG!

The women of England (I can't speak for N. Ireland, Scotland or Wales) instead go home and put the shoes straight on. They LEAVE the ghastly, glaringly obvious white lable on the bottom of both shoes and head out the door! Are they oblivious to the fact that while they may have matched (unless we get into the whole black/brown debate) every last detail of their outfit, that those walking behind them get the view of the price tag, and that's ALL anyone can see? It's disgraceful!

Today I wanted to tell the woman in front of me...I wish I could compliment you on your shoes but frankly I haven't noticed them. Instead I've been mesmorized by the white pricetags that are so blatantly calling out to me : I bought overpriced shoes the other day and now I'm wearing them! Look at me!

Sigh...for some time I thought I was alone in my thoughts but just last month a reader wrote in the daily paper and said something along the lines of 'I'm not from this country so I don't understand why British women seem incapable of removing the price tag from their shoes!'...So it's not just me...If I had any british women readers I would hope that they would pass on these words of advice: REMOVE THE PRICE TAG ON YOUR SHOE; but alas, I fear I have no readers..let alone the group I most desperately need to reach....

I'm fearful of all the white tags I'll soon see as women of England step out onto the streets post xmas in their new shoes...oh the horror...

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  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Lindell said…

    i'm still reading!! although my impact on brit ladies shoe purchasing is limited. i would think beating them with a shopping bag about the head would be the best course of action to both stop the stupid behaviour and get your story out to the news. ;) "BBC reports beating of woman by enraged, fashion forward Canadian" ... i may be tainted in my opinions though, as i am just back from a day of outlet mall shopping in texas. oh the glory and power of the lone star state! if it wasn't for my dire poorness and generally no need for new clothes i would have bought more than 3 pairs of socks.

    blog on chica, blog on! I will alert D to the new shoe controversy herein mentioned.


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