The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yay me.

9 years ago I started doing something I always regretted.

2 years less a day ago I changed all of that.

woot for me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Truth Hurts

My horoscope from the onion this week:

Libra September 23 - October 23
A window-shopping excursion for some new clothes will be utterly ruined this week by the sight of your own reflection.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sir Sandford Fleming is rolling in his grave

Copied word for word from wikipedia:

Time zones were first proposed for the entire world by Canada's Sir Sandford Fleming in 1876 as an appendage to the single 24-hour clock he proposed for the entire world (located at the center of the Earth and not linked to any surface meridian!). In 1879 he specified that his universal day would begin at the anti-meridian of Greenwich (now called 180°), while conceding that hourly time zones might have some limited local use. He continued to advocate his system at subsequent international conferences. In October 1884, the International Meridian Conference did not adopt his time zones because they were not within its purview. The conference did adopt a universal day of 24 hours beginning at Greenwich midnight, but specified that it "shall not interfere with the use of local or standard time where desirable".

Nevertheless, most major countries had adopted hourly time zones by 1929.

Apparantly England is not a major country in 2006. Or at least it's 'reference checking people' have not been made aware of the universal concept of time zones, even if the anti-meridan resides in their country.

How much grovelling to my landlord do you think I will have to do after Dan and his wife have been bombarded by phone calls at ungodly hours (2:00 AM) for the past week regarding my reference?

Sigh...M remind me why I'm doing this again?! Oh thats right, that whole 'love' thing....

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Three Black Cat sized citron and tonics, one budweiser, two shots...

DJ Kool followed by 'Whomp There it Is' followed by a Bassment Jaxx Where's your head at and Vanilla Ice, Ice Ice Baby mix...

Bens Cheese fries.

I may still be drunk at this moment.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Broadcasting to four states...

And the Whitehouse...

I'm off to the land of milk and honey. Well at least the land of the citron and tonic. I am very excited to go to the black cat. I suppose it is a sad state of affairs when one of the main highlights will be my old watering hole, but this is who I am. And I'm pretty fucking awesome.

Black Cat Black Cat a little change for the homeless...yay!

Oh and we are going to the melting pot for a cheezy friday night.

Well, I gotta finish packing! 6 AM flights are not fun...bliss dance nights are!

See you soon!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Model of Efficiency

So M has been proclaiming his efficiency as of late, and I feel the need to counter. Before I take off to the District I love, I have quite a few errands/tasks that need completion. However, by planning each coffee/lunch break with an errand I have managed to complete all but two of my tasks. One will be completed tonight with a trip to the local outsource shop, Walmart, the other, when I can get across the street to the post office.

In between mandatory gym visits I am slowly packing away my beloved apartment..hoping that I shan't be sleeping on the duplex floor for too long. People in Saskatoon may wish to avoid my phone calls next week, for I may be soliciting help with the removal of a hide-a-bed and my comfy sleeping bed.

Tonight I visit the doctor to inquire about my (recurring) sore throat that conveniently is not sore today...or maybe I am making it all up for attention...All I know is that it seems to be a choclate bar today...yummy chocolate!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The devil wears barney's

How a pro pro (I don't know how to spell that!)

After a breakfast of six almonds I went to decide what to wear on this fine August day. I decided to wear my Barney dress pants...which are my favourite work pants. They are red and white checkered/striped and they look really good on me (and my bum). They should, I spent $70 on them a few years back, which is a hell of a lot of money for me to spend on a pair of pants. Thinking about it, they probably rate within the top ten most expensive items of clothing I own (leather skirt, grad dress, MEC snow wear, winter jacket, etc are also in that list).

So ANYWAYS, the whole point of the story: I put my beloved pants on and they don't fit. But they don't fit in a good way. They are baggy. Yay for being sick for three weeks! It's like the line 'I'm one stomach flu away from being thin enough for Paris'!

And there you have it. I never thought I'd be mourning ill-fitting pants based on less chunks not more, but I am. Oh well. I guess this means that I just have to go to pizza night tonight and have a couple of pints to round out the meal...and other parts...

that is all...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm sensing a theme here


Friday, August 11, 2006


It's been an on-again, off-again battle with whatever illness has beseiged me. I am constantly tired, no matter how much sleep I get. I've decided that I'm going to try beat whatever this is by not acknowledging it. TOnight I'm hoping to get wasted at a houseparty. Woot.

I'm getting excited by my DC trip. I'm getting anxious about my UK move -- when is the appropriate time to start packing? Will these stupid terrorists screw up my luggage allowance so that I'll have to pay more for my stuff...all these questions I have.

It seems I can't really be bothered to think coherently. So I'll go.

Friday, August 04, 2006


I have to go to a wedding this weekend...


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Things I have done in the last few days

1) I went to see Nacho Libre at the cinema...kiss kiss hug hug BIG KISS little hug, etc..

2) I picked beans and peas from my garden and promptly ate them for supper

3) My throat caved in, followed by my head gaining ten pounds and my body being mauled to pieces...slowly I may be recovering.

4) I watched Topsy Turvy and it made me want to take up smoking in a pre-turn of the century aristocratic british way

5) I got my parents tickets to the rolling stones (they paid, I just used my internet savy)

6) I gave notice on my apartment (hoping that the visa gods are churning and that this wasn't too too soon of a strategic move)

7) I found out a woman I know from my past has died at the age of 50, and I feel quite sad about it. I will be sending the family a card.

8) I booked a flight to DC using my free my ass! Limited selection and charges to the tune of $38.00 Canadian! Plus, I have to fly through Detroit. DETROIT!

Of this list I think the best part was the peas and beans. That's because they were tasty. And because of the sense of accomplishment...though mainly because of the tastiness.

I also realize that Nacho Libre will have been probably my last L & D hangout time before they tie the awesome is that?!