The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sometimes I hate people

This post is about work, and the comments that people make while at work. When I was young and not jaded to the world, I thought that the people I would be working with were intelligent...the following examples proove otherwise.

Example A:
Regional meeting discussing what to work on for the upcoming year, where a program to reduce social exclusion is being discussed...

Prick One: But why do we want to examine exclusion...from my understanding, isn't exclusion about people who choose not to work because they don't want to?

Awkward silence follows before comment is dismissed...

Example B:
The next comment was emailed in to our offices as we were reviewing an application for a wind farm. In general we are quite supportive of this type of application bc of the sustainable energy it produces, the economic impact it has, etc etc.

Prick Two: Highways Agency cannot support this development because the wind turbine could fall over and block the roads.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

El Moustachio -- si ou non?

see link for video for laughter.

Kudos to Remmington...Excellent job...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Crashing Down

so yeah. I just made a complete ass of myself.

I got up to open the blinds.

My foot was asleep.

I was wearing heels.

My foot turned.

I fell - On my knees.

HR came running to see what happened.

My colleagues laughed.

All I can think about is how ungraceful I fell and the thud that emerged..and how my fat A$$ was perched in the air...oh the shame!


Sweet Dreams

I haven't been having sweet dreams, though I wasn't sure what other title to put on this posting. It is now 1:32 PM and I'm wanting to crawl into a comfy bed and sleep. The problem could be attributed to a lack of caffiene this morning but I blame it on my 'recurring' dream scenario's...

These dreams, which I've had ever since moving back to the UK, involve me either:
a) Rushing around in a mad panic to get ready to move to the UK, even though I have full intention of coming back in two weeks for a week stay...yet I feel the need to pack all my bags, right now, and have the move done with.


b) I've moved back to Saskatchewan and have resumed my Saskatoon life, with or without Martyn -- with the intention of moving back to the UK. Yesterday's involved me not knowing why I had spent five weeks at the UK job only to move back to Saskatoon, when I had intentions of moving back to the UK.

Basically it's all a bit confusing and while they aren't cutting into my sleep all that much, they kind of do.

Sigh...If only I could accept that this fantasy life that I'm living is legit;)

back to the mines...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Long Awaited Return

Indeed my loyal readers -- the postings had ceased since I fled Canada for the Uk. However I feel compelled to blog about the return of our dear Britney! Away from the evil clutches of the K.Fed she has fled, and back into the public's loving arms.

This is reason enough to end the silence of the secret I'm back. For how long, I'm not sure...but stay tuned...