The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Uh yes, I'd like to report a domestic, or a noise complaint..I don't know I just want to sleep

It’s been a bit of a tough week, well, really only these last few days. I had a bit of a sit down with the boss on Wednesday and was basically told that the guy I’m filling in for could be returning as soon as the end of May. Which means that I have no job in two weeks, though I’ve been offered OT this next week to get some work done…which are completely unrelated but I’m feeling a bit bitter about it! To be fair my boss and the dept head have been talking and are trying to allocate funds to keep me on as there is more than enough work for me to stay, but whether this happens or not remains to be seen. My boss did say he has about two months excess money in his budget which he wants to use to keep me on but once again, approval is needed….Somehow temporary until probably Christmas seems to now be temporary until May Long….

My bitterness towards the situation was heightened when I returned to my cube yesterday to find a pin from the City ‘Thanking me for my service’. It was like the gold watch but early, and in pin form. Of course, everyone got one but still. Maybe L & D will let me borrow their digital camera so I can share this beautiful pin with the rest of my blog readers (M).

To deal with my aggression/bitterness/self pity/woe is me attitude I took myself to the gym. I ran hard and listened to rap music very loudly. It’s a childish way that I deal with aggression (loud gangsta rap) but it helps for some reason…I guess since I’m not ‘Just hoe slap and bustin caps’ I can feel thankful for what I’ve got…I don’t’ know (that by the way is from At the Helm, by Hieroglyphics, one of the best (rap) songs ever).

That is, until of course at 3:30 in the morning when the neighbours decided to have a domestic. Ten minutes after I woke up they were still fighting so I banged on the floor. That didn’t stop them so I called the cops. Yup, I reported a domestic. Kudos to the boys in stripes, because they responded within ten minutes and the situation soon sorted itself out. However I experienced high levels of anxiety over: their safety during the call, my safety after they left and fear for the neighbour relation situation…also it just added to my bitterness that my apartment that I love is really just a pretty hole, which isn’t any different from being a hole. Grrr.

I might stay in this weekend and drink. Oh and I have to do some OT for work because you know, can’t bite the hand that feeds you whilst slapping you in the face, now can you?


  • At 9:33 AM, Blogger Lindell said…

    Shizat. This sounds like a bit of a bad day wrapped in shit, deep fried and runover.

    I know how you feel about the neighbour situation ... since we called the cops on our neighbour last summer we always try to avoid him in the hallway etc. Akward. I always wonder if he has a criminal record now, as he was beating down his girlfriend when the cops busted in.

    So maybe we should help you with that indoor drinking and pin picture taking this weekend.


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