The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hookah Shoes and Part Two

To cap off what has been a lovely, albeit somewhat tame, four-day weekend, I decided to purchase some new shoes from the local outsource shop, Walmart. Along for the ride were my dear little bro's roomies, Moir and JW. As I sat there, admiring my feets in my new slippers, Moir suggested I also pick up an extremely tacky pair of shoes...clear plastic heels with clear plastic straps. I smiled and said no, that they were in fact, hooker shoes and that I preferred to look like an escort, being classy like that. We laughed and proceeded down the aisles to where a little girl, age 10, was trying on the aforementioned shoes, her mother loveingly watching on...snickers abounded and we realized that the little girl had in fact been pulling the shoes off the shelf when I had made the influence on the youth of north america continues to be steller...

Now on to part deux of the most amazing book ever...

Awesomness Insight #2:

Guided by his sense of beauty, an individual transforms a fortuitious occurence (Beethovan's music, death under a train) into a motif, which them assumes a permanent place in the composition of the individual's life.

How very true this is. It's like horoscopes in a a daily reader of my libra predictions, I take to heart what is true and discard what is not with a, bah, tis only a horoscope. In much the same way I can romanticize past incidents by drawing 'circumstantial' connections, composing fate to my liking. I take individual elements of remembered situations and force upon them an idealized mosiac, which I can then remember and point others to, saying, muss sein (a geeky ULOB reference meaning It Must Be).

Further insights to come...stay tuned



  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger Martyn said…

    "Snickers abounded."

    I would have sniggered myself like. I just have a strange image of a laughing chocolate bar crammed with peanuts in my head now.

    Why the fuck do you do this to me? Oh well, I suppose I've got you back in my latest blog. Close your eyes...


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