The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hookah Shoes Part Two, ULOB Part Four

Hmm...perhaps this all relates back to what Kundera said about noticing what we want to create motifs in our life...
After the Hooker shoe incident I went over to my brother's house and hung out. Randomly I asked if they had Salt and Peppa on CD and if I could borrow it. I don't know why I wanted to listen but I had an urge. So today I was listening to 'None of Your Business', S&P's best song, and one of the lines in the song is 'the difference between a hooker and a hoe aint nothin' but her feet'....creepy huh!

Ok, on to ULOB:

Awesomenes Insight #4
'Tereza went in to get dressed and stood in front of the large mirror.
No there was nothing monstrous about her body. She had no pouches hanging from her shoulders; in fact, her breasts were quite small. Her mother used to ridcule her for having such small breasts, and she had had a complex about them until Tomas came along. But reconciled to their size as she was, she was still mortified by the very large, very dark circles around her nipples. Had she been able to design her own body, she would have chosen inconspicuous nippes, the kind that scarcely protrude from the arch of the breast and all but blend in colour with the rest of the skin. She thought of her areoloae as big crimson targets painted by a primativist of pornography for the poor.'

Who hasn't analyzed their body, and their breasts (for the females) and wondered why they were stuck with what they have? I think that breasts are in particular a source of examination for females. I mean, I find myself in awe of the perky breasts I see on the the big screen for mine look nothing like them. I don't have that cute, upturnedness that other, more popular breasts do...mine I suppose are like big pouches hanging from my shoulders. Sigh.

Then there's the nipple issue! Like I remember going WTF when I watched the breast scene in American Beauty because a) one boob was bigger than the other and b) her nipples were massive! So to have a line regarding crude pornography in the best book of all time was quite apt, because it is true...The imperfections we all have become like this larger then life subject when we analyze our own selves...they become characictures for our people wish I spell checked...oh well...

Once again, lyla's thoughts on the awesomeness of kundera.

PS: Lyla has her thinking cap on and its gonna be big..stay tuned for the unveiling..ok its not that big but it makes her happy...

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  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Daniela said…

    First of all, yes, that is creepy (re: hooker shoes and S&P). But maybe you got the idea from the S&P song and it's been subconciously wandering through your brain until such a time as it could be used to insult children at Walmart? I think that's even weirder.

    And now, for ULOB. Just this morning I was looking at my boob wondering, "Why the hell do you have to hang that way?"

    I remember when I first met Lindell, I used the bathroom in the batchelor pad and found Banta's bathroom reading material: Maxim, GQ, and Stuff. Now, I can't remember which mag it was, probably Maxim, but as I flipped through one of them I found an "article" that helped readers to identify the type of boobs their girlfriends have. I was slightly horrified by names like "banana shape" and "fish eye". Why is it that we, as a society, or as women, or whatever, must feel that we are weird or grotesque or just odd for not having perfectly sphericle, perky boobs with understated, properly colored (whatever that is) nips?
    Boobs are fabulous whatever their shape or size/color of nip, aren't they?

    I'm not exactly, I always knew that this existed, but it just seems wrong.

    I suppose men might feel something similar if they have "weird balls" or crooked winkies or something. What say you, men?

  • At 5:21 AM, Blogger Martyn said…

    "...crooked winkies."

    That would be the same as a bent cock then, Daniella?

    Lyla has ace tits, especially the left one. Balls are balls, they're nicely hidden away in a hairy scrotum. Safe from the prying eyes of...people. Whereas tits are right there. They want to be looked at, though they probably don't want to be scrutinised.

    Tough shit I suppose.

  • At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "ain't nothin' but a FEE."


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