The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So cool

Ok so this web tracker is so very cool! I love it! I'm so intrigued by the randoms from across the globe! Too bad my life isn't exactly the most interesting read out there...

My fake brother, johannes as he prefers to be known in blogworld, is on his way to england as we speak. he's staying with M, whilst exploring Liverpool. Then he's off to greece, italy and france for some scholarship spending i jealous...absolutely...but I am even more jealous that he gets to spend time with M and I don't...:(

What else -- a bit of a bomb was dropped on me on monday - it seems the person who I'm filling in for at work is finishing up his project in good time, suggesting I might not have employment up to xmas as once thought...which sucks..I mean I want to get to the UK but I liked the cushion that this job provided...grrr...sigh...

Big ups to L & D and their recent announcement...wicked cool. I plan to get drunk and fall asleep in the corner while attempting to do the humpty dance...

FInally before I take my compost to the park (where the compost pile would be) I just wanted to say the new elefant cd is quite good...happy with my purchase I am I am. Oh and Sonic Youth is on the Gilmore Girls tonight -- I'll catch it in a couple weeks as I'm still playing catch up. best show EVER.


  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Lindell said…

    Thanks. Humpty dance, drunk, corner ... I'll have none o' that at my wicked cool wedding.


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