The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I don't need you anyways!

Thats right L & D...just because you decided to galavant all over the SK countryside this weekend, I didn't need you for friendship and social outings. You thought that you were my sole friends in this cruel cruel city, but oh no, you are wrong. I choose to bypass the middlepersons (being you) and head straight for the pot of gold, a skipsey I undertook...our coffee on sunday was fabulous -- fraps in the sun, talking of europe, thesis, and dirty hippies....and yes, whilst we whinged that you were amiss, we got on with there...take off all you want again, but don't be thinking that i'm just going to sit at home and watch csi all by myself...which may or may not be what I did on Friday and Monday night....

What else. I went shopping on Sunday. I'm really not to be left alone when I live so close to the mall. I have no control over solo pity shopping, which is what left me with three shirts, a jacket, a scarf, a lotto ticket and $45 less in my pocket -- I'm the queen of sales, remember!

Sushi on Saturday with a most excellent friend from Uni who was visiting from Edmonton. She stayed at mine, as did her dog (no need to tell the landlord). Her dog rocks..shout outs to dakota.

What else. I've sustained third degree burns from my leisurely day yesterday in my brother's backyard...who needs sunscreen, it's only 32 degrees out! Beer, chips and icecream were consumed, frisbee's thrown, and the acknowledgement that dakota was the most awesomeof us all.

Oh and on Friday I booked my flight to see my English lover, M. I guess you could say I'm excited. Perhaps ecstatic? Perhaps overflowing with giddiness? Not sure how to describe how fabulous June 21 - July 3 will be...I'll refrain from thinking how sucky July 4 will be at Manchester airport until, fingers crossed, July 4.

Peace love and nappiness, as the lost boyz would say...


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