The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year's!

Greetings from the unemployed! Perhaps this blog should chronicle the manner in which an unemployed MBA graduate wittles away her days, contemplating the worth of her degree against the costs involved and the opportunities forsaken...or it could follow the same old suit of me rambling about my oh-so-exciting life...hmm

So 2006 started in a blaze, literally! Burning an effigy of Tom Cruise, representing the evil of the past year and those troubles we'd like to leave behind, our little man (oh so fitting it was Tom) was a lot of fun to jump over repeatedly captured on film. Had my camera not been in the great land of north Dakota with my mama I would share but since I did not take any pictures I'll have to hope my RSS feed to LV will result in some sort of picture sharing that I can share with my readers...mainly being LV...

Anyways so the burning was loads of fun though my performance in trivial pursuit was dismal. But I liked the atmosphere and the sweet ambrose served so no complaints. I spent the first day doing little of nothing at my fake brother's and then went home and chatted with my sweetie through the internet...

So then on to the second..phew! I'm so busy! I managed to start sorting through the junk left in the downstairs bedroom, resulting in various piles of semi-organized junk. I also managed to sort through four years of bills and papers which I finally finished shredding just now. I managed to go for a two hour coffee with Sock Boy, whom I'm convinced I'll end up marrying one day by default -- sorry M! But Donna does love me!

Then I was going to make a family of penguins in the snow but it wouldn't cooperate, even with the bright sun shining down and making I gave up and watched Gilmore Girls.

So today! I'll head off to the post office to post some things to my sister which she hath forgot. I will post a letter and a condolence card to my good friend and I will get some stuff ready for my brother. And I will watch Gilmore girls and maybe do some more downstairs organizing and maybe watch another movie. Thus far I've watched Airplane and The Apartment. Maybe I will only watch A movies in the month of January, but then again I won't.

WoW! I am awesome. Unemployed and still compelling interesting... how does one track readership and location? Anyone help me out there??



  • At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah, umm, ... my name is LV and I am reading your blog from Saskatoon, SK.

    (imagine this being said in the nerdiest voice possible)

    You could steal the number o' visitors tracker from D's blog.

    I'll send all the gory photos of the burning of little pill hating Tommy Cruise - damn his 2005'ness and his lighter fluid soaked Y-fronts.

    I've asked about jobs for you ... maybe something will appear soon!

  • At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lyler, on ye olde bloge shall appear shortly. By which I mean: once I get off my ass and write my new years blog entry!

    As L said you can steal my hit counter. I used to have this thingy that mapped where hits come didn't work too well from me since pretty much everyone who reads my blog is in Saskatoon! But I'll try to remember what it was called.



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