The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Return of Thump

It happened again. Except this was different.

Sitting cross legged in my office chair. My co-worker is giggling about an internet site.

I push out from my desk to go have a look.

Something goes wrong. Terribly wrong.

My chair wheels don't react to force of the push. They remain implanted.

My upper torso, forced back, causes unbalance.

Oh so slowly...the momentum tips back....

Falling my chair.

My co-worker and I are laughing...nothing can stop's so fucking embarassing.

I'm down...I'm down on the ground. Lying in the chair...tears streaming...tooo fucking fucking funny.

I have fallen. Again.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh why quizmaster?

During the last few months of living in DC, I fell into a routine which I absolutely adored -- Monday Night Pub Quiz at Fado's. Each week a very random assortment of my friends collective would gather and we would attempt to win the very presitigous prize of $50 worth of beer. And each week, we failed. We always ended up in the top five, and we were always so close. But they don't give out prizes for losers, unless you were the worst team; which we never were.

Anyways so I was pretty pumped bc this networking group that I'm involved with (laugh as you must but how else does one meet anyone when you live in a city of 700,000) was sponsoring a pub quiz on Thursday. Our team was assembled and due to various complications, we put in our entry on the due date (yesterday). The Red Tape Brigade was going to dominate - our team had such high hopes...

Alas...I procrasinated too much and we have been on the reserves...which completely sucks. We were ready to do battle with the greatest thinkers in the Leeds region: City Planners! Sigh....

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thoughts on Budapest

So M and I spent a lovely four day weekend in Budapest, and having been back for almost a week now, I thought it was time to present my thoughts on the trip. No pictures though bc I still need to download a driver for my digi-cam, as it's a crappy kodak that wants me to install it's crappy software to replace my awesome software, which I refuse to do.

Thought One:
On the Thursday night, M and I went out for supper at what was advertised as 'traditional Hungarian food' in the restaurant guide. We were provided directions by our concierage and showed up hungary (hehe) after a long day of wandering the streets of buda and pest. We were asked whether we wanted to sit in the conservatory or in the room with music. We chose the room with music. We were then directed to a table in a beautifully decorated room with white table cloths for a silver service experience with a classical five string group playing next to us. We were in our clothes from the flight - jeans and t-shirts. We felt like asses. However the food was lovely and so too was the wine - for once I actually felt like I knew what to expect from what I ordered! At one point the band came up to us and asked if we wanted a song and we refused politely but they pressed us so we agreed. They played and then walked away - at which point I asked, were we supposed to tip them, and how much? M said no just as I watched a nicely dressed man who clearly felt at home press some bills into the violinist's hand. I have come to the conclusion that one cannot learn all their etiquette manners from watching Pretty Woman....

Thought Two:
It's always a good idea to check out the cultural 'whats ups' when visiting a country...M and I were chuffed as we had gotten tickets for the opera 'Cosse fan tutti' ( for a total price of less than $10 Canadian. Of course the seats were crappy but hey, we were going to the opera. I've been to one opera in the past (in Prague) and while I wasn't the biggest fan, I figured I'd give it another shot. We had settled nicely into our last row seats with a partial view of the stage and were ready to listen to the beautiful music. However I began to feel unwell and so I leaned back into my chair and shut my eyes in the hopes of feeling better in a bit. M noticed my discomfort and was concerned over my well-being - I was feeling faint and clamy and gross. I felt like this throughout the entire opera and didn't get to watch it - nor did M really. M was quite concerned and he later told me that at one point he had been watching the show and heard a strange snoring/gargling noise. He was quite upset over this blatant disrespect for the show and turned to see who was being the rude person. Turns out it was me, passed on the the guy sitting next to me...Damn my hypoglycemia! It gets me at the worst of times. The mortification of having passed out on a stranger during the opera has faded, although the disappointment at not seeing the ladies discover their fiance's plots has not...Therefore I have concluded that I do not want to pass out at an opera again.

3. One of the things that Budapest is well known for is its natural spring spas. I had been advised by my boss (who had visited Budapest in December) that this one spa was reasonably priced and an excellent experience. So I was quite excited to go. M and I had decided it would be a final day thing as it was halfway to the airport, and that we could leave from there. I had had difficulty finding the spa on the map but using the symbol guides and the general discription of where the spa was in the tour book had located it. M and I hopped on the very cool subway and headed out. We arrived at the last stop of the line and walked out into Budapestian suburbia....lovely. But hey, this was where we were supposed to be. We wandered for a bit and the unmarked spa finally made itself known to us. We walked in to the quite uninviting building and were greated by a non-English speaking woman (strange for a touristy destination). We tried to tell her we needed towels and she assured us we'd get them. We paid and walked in. As M and I were swimming in the community centre pool we agreed that I had f'd up and that this was not where we were supposed to be. Oh well, the swim was nice.

So those are my thoughts on Budapest. It was a lovely city although as a veggie I struggled with the food - fried cheese was the only option most of the time and while delicious, it gets tedious. The coffee was AMAZING and we had a wonderful we get to plan our next adventure...I'll post some highlight pics at some point in the future


Friday, January 05, 2007

What is this anxiety I feel?

For a very long time now (at least 4 years) I have had credit card debt. Before that time, I used to be quite good at paying my credit cardS off on time, or at least within a month or two. However, living in the fast lane with concert tickets to purchase and trips to england/canada to pay for, I soon found myself in quite a lot of debt to Uncle Mastercard, Aunt Visa and Cousin AmEx.

And during this time I have always prolonged the whole 'saving for a future' bit, as I had to pay off these high rate cards. And thus, my goals remained unchallenged...get out of debt first, then save.

Well for the past year I have been somewhat diligent about paying off these cards. This has been on top of starting up at two new apartments, moving overseas, etc. However, this past week, I finally did it. I paid off my remaining balances, and voila...I am credit card debt free. And no, I have not cancelled my cards yet. They have been a life source to me in the past and I'm sure that they will play important roles in the future.

However now that they are paid off I'm in a bit of a panic. M does not understand this panic. He thinks I should be happy, but I can' t be...I'm anxious about how much I should be saving now and even more so, I'm terrified of using my cards again, even for things I know I can pay off within the next month. I want to buy a dresser for my clothes at the Ikea sale (which at this moment involves using a card till I get paid in a week) but should I? Or should I save that money? I want to book a holiday for march but can I? or should I not...

Oh the trivial matters in life -- don't worry dear reader, I'm completely still in masses of student debt. I'm not rolling in cash, I just don't have a minimum monthly payment to make next month, and I don't know how to handle that. Oh well.

So I begin the new year a bit more anxious than before...anyone have similar unexplained anxieties?
