The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Is it wrong to laugh? I think not.

I haven't had much to say as of late and I'm feeling guilty for neglecting this space. So in order to appease the masses, I will relate what has been the funniest conversation I've had this week.

On Tuesday I went to a show here in town and I got to groupie it up with Juan Mcclean. We were discussing his thoughts on the tours sponsor (Trojan) and how there were different girls each night at the various venues. I guess these girls keep trying to give Juan condoms (even though he's on the van that brings the girls the condoms for distribution). After a while he has become bored of saying no, no thanks, so he's tried a different approach. Now when the girls approach him he says, 'no thanks I don't believe in condoms' which the girls inevitably reply 'What do you mean?' and he replies, 'Well, I don't think you can get AIDS twice, can you?'...



  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Lindell said…

    wow, the fab life of the rock star. ... someday i'll make it big and have my face on a condom.

    dream a little dream ...

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Daniela said…

    hee hee hee


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