The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Feeling Rough

What can I say - it was a pretty ace weekend but it's left me feeling less than fantastic. It started on Friday with pre-drinks at the flat before a group of us headed off to see my friend's band (same one as in Manchester). It was a bit touch and go when we had a communication problem with the guest list, but this was rectified fairly quickly and we were in. The gig was good, though the new non-smoking ban has resulted in the clubs smelling of B.O...not so great (this is England and air conditioning isn't really prevelent).

Met up with M after the gig and had a really good night. Lots of drinks consumed, and I recall being hit on my the tour manager and some guy from Canada now living in Bristol (who was adament that we exchange earrings--to which I refused). Some drunk dialing occured, as did apparantly being in the precense of the most beautiful girl in the world, oh, and M stumbled into the alley and was lost for about 45 minutes...

We stumbled home at 4:30 in the morning (much to my dismay as the party moved to Malmaison and I wanted to see the rooms!) but it was for the best...especially since M's parents showed up at our flat at 10:00! We had a really nice day wandering around Leeds and in the evening we met up with C (who also participated in the previous evening's activities) and we went to Opera in the Park...which was also great...

This week is going to be pretty manic...I'm off to London for a fun night out on Monday and for a sustainable homes conference on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I'm off to Sheffield in the PM to see 'Ultimate Power Duo'...Saskatoon's best and finest! From there we are off to Norwich for a long weekend of camping, summer games and a festival...I'll finish it all off with picking up my Harry Potter on the Monday when I'm back at home!

Here are some pics from the weekend...



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