The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday Sunshine

When one thinks of an ideal weekend, it really can't get better than this one. Friday night I was out of work early and got to spend an hour reading (Kafka on the Shore-- excellent book!) at the library. Then that night we met up for drinks with two people (one a girl from M's hometown, who assures us that she's not leaving Leeds any time soon!) and then on to watch the first episode of Peep Show!

Saturday M and I headed off to the market for our weekly shop, basking in the beautiful weather. These are the days contacts were invented for! We then spent a couple hours wandering around the potential neighbourhoods and potential houses on our house hunt. We walked through a rose garden (sans roses), walked near the golf course and into garden allotments, up hills and down hills and chit chatted with potential neighbours. We came home and read and drank on our balcony and then I went out for a few drinks with a co-worker...

Today though was the icing on the cake. Lazy start, mundane chores with the sun shining through. Off to buy new sunglasses and then we bought some pots, seeds and dirt for my gardening ventures and a BBQ! Yay! Quick set up and then we were off on a walk where I took these pictures:

What this is, or why it is where it is, I'm not sure. However when I'm running by it in the dusk light, it's blue eyes are quite scary!

Then it was through the arches and off for a quick pint at a newly discovered pub with an excellent inner courtyard.

We topped our day off with a bbq full of fantastical feasts. Here's to sunny sundays....may they lead into memorable mondays...


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