Rising to the Challenge
A - Available or Taken: I'm Taken, but always available for fun times ;) How's that for an answer.
B - Best Friend: Depends on the circumstances...but I'd say it's a toss up between Kristie, Anna and Martyn
C - Cake or Pie: Cake. Pie is really nice but 95% of the time I choose cake over pie...unless harvest apple, sour cherry, saskatoon berry, lemon merangue or pumpkin is on offer.
D - Drink of Choice: Room temperature water. Vodka and Tonic. Rye and Coke. Coffee.
E - Essential item you use everyday: I use a lot of items everyday....deoderant, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. But I don't leave my house without chapstick, money (or cash card) and often I carry extra plastic bags in my bid to save the environmet.
F - Favorite Color: Green, but this is not representative of my wardrobe, which has a plethora of blue and black frocks.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears. They don't hurt my tummy as much in the digestion process.
I - Indulgence: Shoes and Hand Bags.
K - Kids & ages: I really hate kids between the ages of 8 and 15.
L - Life is incomplete without: Friends and music.
M - Marriage Date or Most Memorable Date (and why): January 20th 2005 (I gave a presentation at uni and it went really well)...and various other ones that at the time I thought were special (gigs, trips, etcs).
N - Number of Siblings: two *sister and brother) and two halves (fake brother and my other fake brother)
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples but orange flavoured everything else (except orange choclate bc that ends up being super sweet).
P - Phobias or Fears: snakes. committment.
Q - Fave Quote: I used to have quotes on my wall and a lot were really good...however I will share this one 'We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out..." (Deca recording scout denying the Beatles a record deal)
Reason to Smile: Whenever M makes a funny face that makes me laugh.
S - Season: Fall. Best fashions, best weather.
T - Truth or Dare: Dare. Truth is often scarier than random acts can ever be.
U - Unknown fact about me: There are no unknown facts about me. I'm pretty much an open book and everyone who knows me knows little bits about me. But to keep with the quiz, I often wish I had tried and done a lot more things when I was young...
V - Vegetable you don't like: Eggplant. But I'm getting to like it more and more. I think Corn is often overrated, unless it's on the cob or in some sort of veggie mix.
W - Worst Habit: Freaking out over the little things.
X - X-rays: Unfortunately I do not have x-ray vision, even if my extra thick lenses seem to imply that I do. But I do not. I only imagine everyone naked...and even if I had x-ray lenses, I wouldn't be able to see nakedness, just bones.
Y - Your Fave Food: I, like D, am over these 'favourite' questions. I'm far too complex of a character to determine which food I would choose if I had to choose one for the rest of my life. Since there were no music questions on this quiz I will state that I like the Yma Sumac and that everyone should listen to her.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra. Balanced and for justice. Which explains why I can argue pro or against child labour and refuse to buy nike but have no problem shopping at gap.
B - Best Friend: Depends on the circumstances...but I'd say it's a toss up between Kristie, Anna and Martyn
C - Cake or Pie: Cake. Pie is really nice but 95% of the time I choose cake over pie...unless harvest apple, sour cherry, saskatoon berry, lemon merangue or pumpkin is on offer.
D - Drink of Choice: Room temperature water. Vodka and Tonic. Rye and Coke. Coffee.
E - Essential item you use everyday: I use a lot of items everyday....deoderant, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. But I don't leave my house without chapstick, money (or cash card) and often I carry extra plastic bags in my bid to save the environmet.
F - Favorite Color: Green, but this is not representative of my wardrobe, which has a plethora of blue and black frocks.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears. They don't hurt my tummy as much in the digestion process.
I - Indulgence: Shoes and Hand Bags.
K - Kids & ages: I really hate kids between the ages of 8 and 15.
L - Life is incomplete without: Friends and music.
M - Marriage Date or Most Memorable Date (and why): January 20th 2005 (I gave a presentation at uni and it went really well)...and various other ones that at the time I thought were special (gigs, trips, etcs).
N - Number of Siblings: two *sister and brother) and two halves (fake brother and my other fake brother)
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples but orange flavoured everything else (except orange choclate bc that ends up being super sweet).
P - Phobias or Fears: snakes. committment.
Q - Fave Quote: I used to have quotes on my wall and a lot were really good...however I will share this one 'We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out..." (Deca recording scout denying the Beatles a record deal)
Reason to Smile: Whenever M makes a funny face that makes me laugh.
S - Season: Fall. Best fashions, best weather.
T - Truth or Dare: Dare. Truth is often scarier than random acts can ever be.
U - Unknown fact about me: There are no unknown facts about me. I'm pretty much an open book and everyone who knows me knows little bits about me. But to keep with the quiz, I often wish I had tried and done a lot more things when I was young...
V - Vegetable you don't like: Eggplant. But I'm getting to like it more and more. I think Corn is often overrated, unless it's on the cob or in some sort of veggie mix.
W - Worst Habit: Freaking out over the little things.
X - X-rays: Unfortunately I do not have x-ray vision, even if my extra thick lenses seem to imply that I do. But I do not. I only imagine everyone naked...and even if I had x-ray lenses, I wouldn't be able to see nakedness, just bones.
Y - Your Fave Food: I, like D, am over these 'favourite' questions. I'm far too complex of a character to determine which food I would choose if I had to choose one for the rest of my life. Since there were no music questions on this quiz I will state that I like the Yma Sumac and that everyone should listen to her.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra. Balanced and for justice. Which explains why I can argue pro or against child labour and refuse to buy nike but have no problem shopping at gap.
At 7:03 AM,
Martyn said…
It would appear that the letter 'H' is no longer part of the alpabet.
At 7:16 AM,
Lyla said…
So it seems...
H- Hometown: I have difficulties with this one, having moved from place to place as a wee lass. Therefore I propose that Saskatchewan is my hometown...because truth be told, the city I live in now is just about the same population of the entire province of SK
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