The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The Week returns...

On Friday I thought the future could only be brighter...I was wrong.

The weekend was complaints...but Monday hit, along with a resurgence of incessent rain. I live a five minute walk from the train station, and thanks to the lovely cabbie who didn't feel the need to slow down or avoid the massive puddle, I was soaked within two minutes of leaving my house.

As I wasn't going to the office, I couldn't even try for a 're-do' nor could I take off my wet socks and dry my shoes while I worked. Instead I had to drip for the rest of the day. Of course because I was going from meeting to meeting I only got progressively wetter and more surely throughout the day.

I also got more bitter at the world when after my first meeting I went to go make a call to confirm my next meeting only to find I couldn't find my phone. And i definately knew I had had my phone earlier...which meant I had lost my phone.

After my second meeting I went to the train station and only had to wait 45 mintues for a trian. Normally this is a long wait, but because there was so much rain, most the trains were cancelled or severly boss left work (driving) at 2 today and arrived home at 7...she lives an hour away from my 45 minute wait wasn't so was even on the train, which wasn't delayed due to rain but a lack of a driver (I found this fact interesting in that so many trains were cancelled (at the station that I was at) but yet there was in fact a SHORTAGE of drivers)....

The flooding of course meant a longer journey home, and on my final walk home I was duly sprayed with water by a seem appropriate really...

However the day hasn't been a complete loss...A nice man has found my phone and we are arranging a rendez vous tomorrow. My building is finally getting recycling facilities installed (finally my council tax at work) and I've had a few lovely chats with friends. I did find out that my plane ticket home isn't transferable so I'm going to have to ante up for a full return for xmas, but hey, that's water under the bridge for me for now...although perhaps I should say over the bridge due to this lovely 'summer' we are having...

Only four more days till the weekend!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Finally! The Weekend!

This has been a hellish week or epic proportions and I am sooooo happy that I am sitting on my sofa right now, watching my new dvd (Devil Wears Prada), and not having to worry about work till MONDAY!

The week was so crap...trains have been buggered four out of five days. My attempt to get in early this morning meant I hopped on a train half an hour before my 'normal' train, but only got in less than ten minutes earlier than normal.

I had coworkers hovering around my desk every day, waiting on a favour project I was doing for them. It didn't help they kept changing the specs everyday, nor did it help that instead of providing all the information I needed in an orderly fashion, they provided bits of info on about twenty different sheets of paper and scattered throughout five or six emails. The 'witty' post-it on my computer screen with 'maps?' all over it didn't help.

Finally my driving lesson was an utter waste today. I kept fucking up on everything and it just kept getting worse and worse. My poor instructor felt so bad because I was so frustrated...oh well, just have to let it all go...hopefully the weekend and next week are better - they have to be, right?

Oh and I've gotten a cold..though I don't think I feel as shitty as M did mid week...

Now back to my movie...though it makes me question how will I ever get the fabulous clothes I so deserve?