The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ok it's been a long time since I posted anything of merit - and not saying that this post is going to be either; BUT I figured I should say something....or at least erase all evidence that this blog ever existed!

So rethinks. I've been a bit blue as of late - it happens. I sometimes think I'm a bit manic in that I can exist just fine and then Whomp...I'm feeling down. But hey ho, that's just the way it is. When I lived in Saskatchewan I blamed it on SAD, but now I'm not sure what to blame it on - life, manic, whatever.

So rethinks. I've realized I've lived in Leeds almost as long as I've lived in DC, and I still don't get the love, nor have I met nearing enough amazing and fabulous people. I'm not sure if it's me or Leeds - but I'm hoping it's me. This is because I'm in Leeds for the next few years (who ever though investing in a house would lose a girl money). So I've decided that things in Leeds have to change - I need to get out and meet people and hang out and do things...but I don't know how one does this...somehow in the past I've just fallen into friends - or not...Plus we all need one or two people who open doors for you (not literally of course but people in the know)....

So rethinks. How does one meet people that they might have something in common with. I've done the whole join a gym, take a sports class (bellydance is filled with freaks), take a night class (fun but non), join a book club (ok, I didn't join a book club but I did join a conversation circle) don't say no to invitations, etc etc etfc. But how do I meet the people who like music/politics/prada/brunch - I don't randomly go up to people at gigs - never have, never will...nor am I going to meet people clubbing because that seems to always be about pulling and I'm not in that position anymore.

So I suppose what I'm asking is - good people - how do you meet people...people like yourselves, who I have things in common with, that I'd want to hang out with, go to brunch with, go to gigs, etc?

I await your humble advice...if you are still out there...
