The Secret Ingredient is Crime

I have set this Blog up to keep in contact with my dear friend Johannes de Silentio; he is possibly the coolest person I've ever met and I never want to lose contact with him. Correction: He IS the coolest person I have ever met.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Can't help it

So last week my brother sent me the most awesome care package with some brilliant tunes involved...however on the weekend I also picked up both Britney and Kylie's new albums...

and I can't help it...I can't stop listening to both of them;)

Hehehe...I'm just a wannabe pop fan!

No stroke that...I'll admit, I like pop...pop music...


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just because

It's been a while since I last blogged, and I feel a bit guilty about it, so I thought I'd do up a random post of what's what and who's who...or something like that anyways.

Over the last month I have:

1) had a birthday...which means I'm now older than I was a month ago...of course this holds true for any month/day/second but only once a year do you actually 'change your age'....and officially age...which I did last month.

2) attempted to throw a housewarming-cum-hallowe'en party. While I had fun, the palty amount of guests was a bit damaging to my frail ego...I have vowed that I will not throw a party again.

3) the failed party attempt led to some bitterness towards Leeds -which remains elusive to crack...Liverpool was also difficult to crack, which leads me to think it might be a general problem I have with this country, or that I am not a crack person...much like Whitney (Crack is whack!). But the bitterness has faded away along with the bruised ego...I'm back on top of the world being amazing as always.

4) I have become an allotment holder, which means there's a little plot of land in a communal garden space which is mine to sow with seeds. I'm pretty stoked about this although it is a fair amount of work...but nothing that a girl from SK can't handle...I remind readers of the wicked zuchinni I grew in the summer of 2006...of which there is picture on this site somewhere.

5) have become increasingly excited about my Christmas visit...a month off work, favourite restaurants to visit, loads of tele to watch, drinks with friends, BRUNCH, NYE in the mountains, shopping, the outlook bar, le sigh. Very excited and can't wait to see people - hopefully people will be about for visiting, etc. I will be bringing some mushy peas and hob nobs if that will entice people to see me...and the boy.

6) have become well entrenched with season 2 of prison break on dvd....yummy michael schofied...le sigh....

So there we have update of my last month. Four weeks today I'll be landing at heathrow for the second of a three flight journey home...Yay! Yay! Yay!
